User:Aviva Gans

Name[edit | edit source]

Aviva Gans

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About Me[edit | edit source]

I am an American physical therapist for more than 40 years. For most of my career, I served as a pediatric physical therapist, particularly school-based physical therapy. I have also taught kinesiology as an Assistant Professor in the Physical Therapy Program at UMDNJ (now called Rutgers) in Newark, NJ. Additonally, I have practiced in acute care and orthopedics. I presently serve as the Chair of the Pediatric Special Interest of The American Physical Therapy Association of New Jersey. I have been team leader for the development of 2 fact sheets on clinical education in school-based practice.

Due to my concerns about the health effects environmental degradation, especially on children, I have delved deeply into the topic. I am interested in how health professionals, specifically physical therapists (physiotherapists) can engage in climate and environmental action and incorporate environmental awareness into their practices, I have presented a webinar on climate and environment to New Jersey physical therapists, testified in favor of constructing wind farms off the coast of New Jersey, and written an op ed supporting measures to decrease the effects of transportation pollution on health. I am deeply indebted to the work of Filip Maric and others as well as and to Clinicians for Climate Action of New Jersey who have inspired and supported me.

Personally, I am the mom of two amazing grown sons. I enjoy writing and conveying health and motor content to both the public and health professionals. Before becoming a PT, I was a ballet teacher and dancer.

Education[edit | edit source]

BA in English - Barnard College NY, NY

MS in Physical Therapy -Program in Physical Therapy Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia University NY, NY

Professional Affiliations[edit | edit source]

American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)

American Physical Therapy Association of New Jersey(APTANJ)

APTA Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy

APTA Academy of Leadership and Innovation

Clinicians for Climate Action of New Jersey

Professional Appointments
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Add any professional appointments here, for example if you site on the board of any professional bodies or clinical interest groups.

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Magazine Article: Everyone Can Be an Athlete. EP Magazine, 2023; 53(7)11-13. Everyone Can Be an Athlete Accessed August 24, 2023.

Magazine Article: Insights into Gross Motor Milestones. EP Magazine, 2023; 53(1)19- 21.Insights into Gross Motor Milestones Accessed January 31, 2023.

Fact Sheet: Co-author and group leader.  How School-Based Physical Therapists Benefit From Mentoring DPT and PTA Students. APTA Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy. October 2022.How School-Based Physical Therapists Benefit...

APTANJ Resource: Co-author and group leader. APTANJ Guidance for School-Based Physical Therapists Under Covid-19. 2020. Guidance for School-Based Physical Therapists Under Covid-19 Accessed January 31, 2023.

Op Ed: Protect Public Health by Reducing Toxic Emissions. NJ Spotlight. September 13, 2022. Protect Public Health...  Accessed January 31, 2023.

Letter to Editor: Removable Chapters Could Lighten the Load. New York Times. September 29, 2002:14. NJ Section. Removable Chapters Accessed February 1, 2023.

Reviews: Basmajian JV, Nyberg, RE. Spinal Manipulation Therapies (A book proposal); 1986. Backhouse KM, Hutchings RT A Color Atlas of Surface Anatomy. Philadelphia, PA: William& Wilkens; 1986. Review published In J. Allied Health. 1987.

 Journal Study: The Relationship of Heel Contact in Ascent and Descent from Jumping to the Incidence of Shin Splints in Ballet Dancers. J Phys Ther. 1985; 965(8),1192-11.

Where you can find me[edit | edit source]

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