User:Shrinkhala Rai

As a committed and caring physiotherapist, I have made it my life's work to enhance people's physical and mental health. With a solid academic background that includes an bachelor's and master's degree of orthopaedics as well as more than a year of hands-on experience at a company, I'm dedicated to giving my patients the best care possible.

I believe a patient-centered approach where treatment programmes are customised to meet the specific requirements of each patient.A key component of my work is ongoing education, and I keep up with the most recent developments in physiotherapy to provide the finest care possible.

Currently, i am working as a Physiotherapist cum Office coordinator and had worked with state and national level athlete as w

Shrinkhala Rai

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About Me Currently, i am working as a Physiotherapist cum Office coordinator and had worked with state and national level athlete[edit | edit source]

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  • Master's degree of orthopaedics

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