User:Ylice Bridges

Profile YBridges.jpg

Name[edit | edit source]

Ylice Bridges

About Me
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I am currently Doctor of Physical Therapy student at Bellarmine University. As a non-traditional student, I had the opportunity to experience different careers before deciding to pursue physical therapy. My experiences in the military and as a project manager in various industries including healthcare and healthcare IT, as well as personal life events have all guided me to the knowledge that my ideal career is in physical therapy.

I know my education, especially the clinical education experiences will help find the area of specialty and environment that best suits my skills and personality. Currently, I am drawn to neurology, working with amputees, and assisting veterans. I also hope to become deeply involved in advocacy on both a state and federal level. My experience with the healthcare industry, professionally and personally, has highlighted the need for involvement in changing legislation.

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DPT, Bellarmine University
Expected Graduation: May 2017

BS, General Studies (Pre-Physical Therapy), Indiana University Southeast
2014 GPA: 3.97/4.0

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Resume at [1]

Professional Affiliations
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Student Member, American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)

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Bellarmine University Doctor of Physical Therapy
American Physical Therapy Association

Military Experience
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United States Marine Corps
Served in Operation Desert Storm, Honorable Discharge