User:Sazia Queyam

".....with knowledge comes responsibility to serve the higher purpose of living."

I completed my Bachelor of Physiotherapy in 2015 from Rajasthan University Of Health Sciences, Jaipur. Post my integrated internship, I started my career as a Subject Matter Expert(SME-Physiotherapist) and worked in Tata Interactive Services (Mumbai, Location) on a project of Tata McGraw Hill. It involved creating, editing, designing e-learning course related to Athlete Fitness and Wellness. This 2 month long project gave me exceptional exposure to work as a team with Content editors, Instructional Designers, Animators, Business Managers, and other professionals of varied academic backgrounds.

In 2016, I joined GOQii( Fitness wearable company), as Fitness and Lifestyle Coach(remote) and got on-job training to handle National users/clients empowering them to lead a healthy active life by mentoring virtually.

In 2017, I joined HealthifyMe ( Health and Wellness App) as Physiotherapy consultant and Fitness Trainer( remote). This is my current job. Here, i get to coach hundreds of National and International users on a daily basis.

Apart from my BPT degree, I am certified Pre and Post Natal Fitness Instructor, Pilates instructor, Health Coach.

My transition from Physiotherapy core field to Fitness and Wellness was very seamless. Both genres advocate the need for preventive strategies and after-ailment care. My interest lies in utilizing real time and past data of users/patients/clients to give the best outcome possible applying evidence based practice and my academic expertise.

I am here on Physiopedia, as i believe my profession demands up-to-date knowledge, teamwork, awareness of global health trends, learning patient care soft-skills and overall humanizing the field of preventive and rehabilitative care to make people of this planet a lot more healthier, happier, productive and lead a life of high quality.

Name:[edit | edit source]

Sazia Queyam

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Sazia Queyam,PT

About Me:[edit | edit source]

I am a curious life long learner who loves exploring, creating, discovering new possibilities. My proactive work attitude is based on thought of "Practice what you preach". I took this wonderful field of physiotherapy out of my love for sports and human biology. Reading academic or non-fiction literature, learning new skills online, exercising is my ideal way of utilizing free time.

Education:[edit | edit source]

B.P.T ( Bachelor Of Physiotherapy) from Rajasthan University Of Health Sciences.

Pre and Post Natal Fitness Instructor.

Pilates Instructor.

Certified Health Coach.

Professional Affiliations:[edit | edit source]

Fitness Coach/Trainer/Physiotherapy consultant at HealthifyMe Wellness Products and Services Private Limited.

Where you can find me:[edit | edit source]