User:Craig Satterley

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Name[edit | edit source]

Craig Satterley

About Me
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I am a graduate student in my first year of physical thearapy school at Bellarmine University. I completed my undergraduate studies at Bellarmine University in May 2010.  My majors were music technology and pre-physical therapy.  I was very involved during my undergraduate studies, joining many clubs, attending numerous school events, and taking on a number of leadership roles.  Outside the classroom I have always been active as an athlete, playing indoor and outdoor soccer as well as going to the gym regularly.  I also play the guitar and piano and love to listen to music all the time.  I am a hard worker with a strong drive to do well in all that I do and make a positive difference in the lives of others.  One of the most profound experiences of my life has been the service trip to Guatemala I went on for two consecutive years with other Bellarmine students and faculty and members of the local community.  I hope to be able to help impoverished people in the future with the abilities I will acquire as a physical therapist like the nurses, doctors, and dentists did in Guatemala.  I am already enjoying the road to becoming a physical therapist despite the difficulties and challenges it presents.           

Education[edit | edit source]

B.A., Music Technology, Bellarmine University, Louisville, KY

Currently attending Bellarmine University Physical Therapy school, DPT

Professional Affiliations
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American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)

Professional Appointments
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None to date.

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None to date.

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