User:Kylie Rowe

Dr Kylie E Rowe PT is a Physical Therapist and owner of her own practice in San Francisco, CA called “Living Healthy Physical Therapy”. Born and raised in Australia, Dr Rowe completed her B. App. Sc (Physiotherapy) from the University of Sydney in 1986. Adventure and work brought her to the USA with her husband, a Jazz musician and co-adventurer. Her 30+ years of professional work has included working in hospital outpatient clinics, schools, home health and private practices across the Midwest. Her commitment to quality patient care has been rewarded during her years in the profession with a Pacemaker Award at Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center, Mattoon, IL and a Guardian Angel Award at Sanford Health in Fargo ND. Upon the completion of her Doctorate of Physical Therapy at the University of South Dakota in 2014, she was offered a position as a clinical and then assistant professor of Physical Therapy at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA. While there, she ran the University based outpatient clinic in addition to instructing students in therapeutic exercise, physical therapy modalities and patient care. Her diligent work to provide quality student and community education was evident in the awards of two grants to fund a course in the Management of Persistent Pain and one large grant to incorporate advanced phototherapy and electrical stimulation units into various classes including the community clinic. Now venturing into her own private practice, “Living Healthy Physical Therapy”, Dr Rowe’s dream to facilitate the physical wellbeing of individuals within her local community is being fulfilled…a dream inspired by a long career of treating, educating and serving.

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