Help:Experts Guide

If you are considered an expert in a specific clinical area we would very much welcome your contributions to Physiopedia. This guide explains how you as an expert can use Physiopedia to contribute your knowledge to the rehabilitation community.

See also the Experts Step by Step Guide and the Experts FAQs.

What is a wiki
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A Wiki is a website that allows any visitor to easily contribute to and edit that website. Wikis are particularly suited to collaborative group authoring of documents and websites. The most famous example of a Wiki is Wikipedia, a very extensive on-line encylopedia that allows anyone to add to and edit its entries.

Wikis for disseminating your knowledge
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The nature of wikis means they offer a number benefits to clinicans who have specific expert knowledge to disseminate:

  • Writing on a wiki enables information to be immediately published on the web for the public to read.
  • Wikis can be edited and entries published without knowledge of special web development tools.
  • A wiki can be continually updated as new knowledge emerges.

Physiopedia for disseminating expert knowledge
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As a wiki, Physiopedia offers educators an opportunity to involve their students in the creation of this global resource as part of an educational program.  Student involvement in creating, reviewing and updating Physiopedia content is an excellent activity for developing their skills of reflection, critical assessment and writing.

Frequently asked questions[edit | edit source]

If you are interested in contributing to Physiopedia, check out the experts FAQs first.

Step by step guide[edit | edit source]

If you have decided to go ahead and contribute to Physiopedia follow our step by step guide that is specifically written to help experts who use Physiopedia as a way to disseminate their knowledge.