Elbow Flexion Test

Purpose[edit | edit source]

Elbow Flexion Test is a neurological dysfunction test used to determine the cubital tunnel syndrome (ulnar nerve ).

Technique[edit | edit source]

Step 1. Patient position in standing or sitting.

Step2. Ask the patient to actively fully elbow flexion with wrist extension and 90 degree shoulder gridle abduction and depression.

Step3. Hold this position up to 3 to 5 minutes.

Step4. Positive sign indicates feeling numbness or tingling in distribution of ulnar nerve root.

Evidence[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Elbow Flexion Test for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. Ccedseminars. Available from: https://youtu.be%7CmF3bUpeQfzs
  2. Ulnar Nerve, Clinical Examination - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim. nabil ebraheim. Available from: https://youtube%7CPTpUzXdBvpo