User:Shreya Pavaskar

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Name[edit | edit source]

Shreya Pavaskar

Physiopedia Badges[edit | edit source]


About Me[edit | edit source]

I am Shreya Pavaskar from Mumbai, India. I am studying Bachelor's in Physiotherapy in Rajiv Gandhi University of Heath Sciences, India. It is a four year course with annual exams and six months of compulsory internship. I am about to graduate by the end of this year (2020) and have been securing first class position since past 3 years.

The field of my interest is Musculoskeletal and sports physiotherapy and will be pursuing my masters in it although I am equally curious and eager to learn about other specialized areas as well. Apart from my field, my interests include badminton, reading contemporary, modern and classic fiction, exploring fashion and history. I have always been determined in learning new things and helping others which has led me in volunteering project with Physiopedia aiming to contribute, learn and connect with my fellow physical therapists.

My future goal is to utilize my knowledge regarding physiotherapy, fitness and lifestyle and spread it through various social media platforms. I look forward in using my skills and work to help people around the globe.

Feel free to connect me via LinkedIn and Instagram.

Education[edit | edit source]

Rajiv Gandhi University of Heath Sciences - Bachelor's in Physiotherapy (2016 - present)

University of Colorado - Science of Exercise (June 2020)

Where you can find me[edit | edit source]

