User:Wataru Okuyama

Wataru Okuyama.png

Name[edit | edit source]

Wataru Okuyama, Japan

Physiopedia Badges[edit | edit source]


About Me[edit | edit source]

I have played baseball in school, so I am interested in baseball and all other sports. I am currently a medical trainer for a high school baseball team.

I also have experience treating a wide range of orthopedic conditions in young and elderly people of all ages. I specialize in manual therapy and motion analysis. In particular, movement analysis is favored by many athletes and coaches.

Recently, I have been studying statistics and other studies so that I can properly understand and retrieve information from articles.

Education[edit | edit source]

Tsukuba International University - Ibaraki, Japan: Department of Physical Therapy (2013-2017)

JAOMPT EAST-JAPAN: Manual Therapy Regular Workshops (2018-)

Professional Affiliations[edit | edit source]

Japanese Physical Therapy Association (JPTA)

Japan Osteoporosis Society

Where you can find me[edit | edit source]
