Movement Assessment Battery for Children

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Original Editor - Romy Hageman
Top Contributors - Romy Hageman and Carina Therese Magtibay

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Early identification of mild to moderate motor impairments in children is essential for various reasons[1][2][3][4]. The most frequently used assessment in clinical practice across Europe for detecting mild motor disorders is the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC)[5][6]. The MABC is a norm-referenced test, where a child has to execute a set of motor tasks following specific guidelines[7]. The version of the Movement Assessment Battery of Children currently available is the second edition (MABC-2)[8].

The Movement Assessment Battery for Children consists of a checklist and a motor test, both aimed at gauging a child's motor skills in everyday activities. This assessment measures three key motor skill aspects: manual dexterity, ball skills, and balance[8][9].

  • Target audience: Children (aged 3-16 years old) with potential motor skill deviations.
  • Purpose: The MABC-2 assists in identifying deficits in motor development at an early stage, determining the motor skill level, and planning targeted therapeutic interventions.
  • The MABC is efficient and does not consume much time, making it likely that children will willingly participate in the test[10].

Clinical utility[edit | edit source]

Clinical utility of the MABC-2[11]:

  • Time to administer: 20-40 minutes
  • Test procedure: The therapist follows the items in a standardised order, but some flexibility is allowed.
  • Target examiner population: Physical therapists, Occupational therapists, Paediatricians, Research psychologists.
  • Training: Training is not required.

Technique[edit | edit source]

There are three age groups (3;0 to 6;11 years, 7;0 to 10;11 years, and 11;0 to 16;11 years). For each age group, a seperate test battery is available, with the level of difficulty increasing based on age:

  • Subtest age group 1 (3;0 to 6;11 years):
    • Manual dexterity 1: Coin insertion - The task is to pick up 6 or 12 plastic coins from the table and insert them through a narrow slot into a plastic box.
    • Manual dexterity 2: Bead threading - The task involves threading 6 or 12 plastic beads onto a string.
    • Manual dexterity 3: Tracing path - The task is to trace the route between two lines without exceeding the boundaries.
    • Ball skills 1: Catching a beanbag - The child is tasked with catching a beanbag.
    • Ball skills 2: Tossing a beanbag - The task is to throw the beanbag on the mat.
    • Balance skills 1: Single-leg balance - The task is to maintain balance on one leg.
    • Balance skills 2: Toe-walking - The child must walk along a line without letting the raised heel touch the ground.
    • Balance skills 3: Jumping on mats - The child must jump from a standing position with legs together from mat to mat.

In the following video you can see a demonstration of the assessment for subtest age group 1 (3;0 to 6;11 years):

  • Subtest age group 2 (7;0 to 10;11 years):
    • Manual dexterity 1: Placing pegs - The task is to insert small plastic pegs as quickly as possible into a board.
    • Manual dexterity 2: Threading a string - The task is to pull a string through the holes of a plastic board.
    • Manual dexterity 3: Tracing path - The task is to trace the route between two lines without exceeding the boundaries.
    • Ball Skills 1: Catching - The child must throw a tennis ball against the wall and catch it with both hands.
    • Ball skills 2: Throwing - The child must aim the beanbag into the red circle on a mat.
    • Balance skills 1: Single-board balance - The child must balance on one foot on the balance board.
    • Balance skills 2: Heel to toe - The child must walk along the line while the heel of one foot touches the toes of the other foot.
    • Balance skills 3: Hopscotch - The child must jump forward on one leg from mat to mat starting from a standing position.

In the following video you can see a demonstration for age group 2: go to 6:22 min.

  • Subtest age group 3 (11;0 to 16;11 years):
    • Manual dexterity 1: Turning plugs - The task is to flip small two-colored plastic plugs so that the other colors faces upward.
    • Manual dexterity 2: Building a triangle - The task is to assemble three plastics together with nuts and bolts to create a triangle.
    • Manual decterity 3: Tracing path - The task is to trace the route between two lines without exceeding the boundaries.
    • Ball skills 1: Catching - The child must throw a tennis ball against the wall and then catch it with one hand.
    • Ball skills 2: Throwing - The task is to throw the tennis ball into a red circle on the wall.
    • Balance skills 1: Two-board balance - The child must balance on the balance board, ensuring that the heel of one foot and the toes of the other foot touch.
    • Balance skills 2: Walking backwards heel to toe - The child must walk backwards along a line, making sure that the toes of one foot touch the heel of the other.
    • Balance skills 3: Zigzag hopping - The task is to jump diagonally from one mat to another on one leg.

In the following video you can see a demonstration for age group 3: go to 10:56 min.


Scoring[edit | edit source]

Scores are derived using specific forms, and the cumulative scores from each aspect contribute to an overall score. The norms are provided for the three age groups. The MABC incorporates a score interpretation aid known as the three-color ''Traffic Light'' system:[9]

  • A child scoring at or below the 5th percentile is classified as having a significant movement difficulty (red zone).
  • A child scoring between the 6th and 15th percentile is considered at risk (amber zone).
  • A child scoring above the 16th percentile is unlikely to have a movement difficulty (green zone).

Evidence[edit | edit source]

The MABC has been shown to have evidence of concurrent validity with other pediatric motor assessments[13] and is extensively utilized internationally[14][15][16][5][17][18]. The MABC is used across different European, Asia-Pasific, and South American countries [19], including Japan[20], China[21], Belgium[6], Croatia[22], The Netherlands[1], Brazil[23]and Thailand[24].

The MABC can identify children with motor impairment issues better than the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP)[25].

The MABC has been used in studies involving a range of different developmental conditions, such as:

Psychometric properties[edit | edit source]

The psychometric properties of the MABC-2 are[11]:

  • Intrarater reliability: ICC 0.88 (this suggest a strong level of agreement between scores given by the same rater across repeated measurements. This implies good reliability of the MABC-2 used by the same rater).
  • Inter-rater reliability: ICC 0.96-0.99 (this suggest an exceptionally strong agreement between scores assigned by different raters across repeated measurements. This implies excellent reliability of the MABC-2 when used by different raters.
  • Minimal detectable change (MDC): SEM 1.34 (95%CI)=3 ; 1.83 (95%CI); 1.83 (sensitivity 69.69%, specificity 52.10%)
    • Standard Error of Measurement (SEM): 1.34 (95% CI)=3 . This indicates that the measurement error, represented by the standard error of measurement, is 1.34, and there is 95% confidente that the true change in the score between measurements lies within the interval of 3 points.
    • MDC with a 95% confidence interval: 1.83 . This signifies the minimum detectable change in scores with 95% certainty. In other words, if an individual's scores differ by more than 1.83 points between two measurements, it can be considered a genuine change.
    • Sensitivity and specificity: 1.83 (sensitivity 69.69%, specificity 52.10%) . This indicated that the MDC of 1.83 points has a sensitivity of 69.69%, meaning it can detect real changes. The specificity of 52.10% indicates its ability to distinguish between genuine changes and measurement errors.
  • Minimal Clinically Important Difference (MCID): 1.39 (sensitivity 72.47%, specificity 46.18%). This signifies that a change of 1.39 points is considered clinically relevant. The sensitivity of 72.47% indicates its effectiveness in identifying genuinely important changes, while the specificity of 46.18% reflects its ability to distinguish between clinically relevant changes and random variations. Overall, an MCID of 1.39 points can be deemed as the minimum observed difference that holds clinical significance for the assessed aspect.

References[edit | edit source]

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