Pushed Quadriceps Active Test

Original Editor - Pacifique Dusabeyezu
Top Contributors - Pacifique Dusabeyezu

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The Pushed Quadriceps Active Test is modification of the traditional Quadriceps Active (QA) test which is also known as Muller's Test. This modification aims to improve the accuracy of diagnosing posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) deficiencies, particularly for those with subtle signs. As the diagnosis of PCL deficiency is difficult even for experienced professionals, this test would improve the accuracy of diagnosis of PCL tears and also improve the sensitivity of the classical QA test.[1]

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References[edit | edit source]

  1. Kambhampati SBS, Guthikonda B. The pushed quadriceps active test – A modification of the quadriceps active test to diagnose PCL deficiency. J Arthrosc Surg Sport Med. 2021;2(2):128–30.