Practicing in USA with Foreign Education

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Registration Process
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  • Prior to registration you must complete 30 additional credits.
  • The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) encompasses 53 jurisdictions.
  • Each jurisdiction has an individual vetting process .
  • Apply online via FCCPT (Foreign Credentialing Commission on Physical Therapy) for a type 1 review (for Irish/British wishing to seek visa)

 Permission to work in the USA must be sought via the US citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
 Licence to practice is obtained by sitting the NPTE (National Physical Therapy Exam). The exam can be sat in any jurisdiction regardless of where you plan to work.
 UCD must release transcripts to the FCCPT
 Proof of licence to practice from the ISCP.
 Copy of your degree (English version) signed by notary public (solicitor)
 Attestation form outlining all information provided by you in correct and a passport photo, also notarized.
Job Opportunities:
At present over 3,000 Physical Therapy jobs advertised on the APTA website.
Basic grade initial salary:
$60,000 on average ($45,000 or €34,000 after tax)
FCCPT registration $750
APTA registration (optional) $295
Individual state fee’s $60-$245
NPTE exam $350 (until Jan 1st 2013)
$400(after Jan 1st 2013)

Useful websites:
Information on NPTE’s
Requirements of each jurisdiction