Applying to New Zealand

                                                  Registration Process[edit | edit source]

Applicants must seek registration under the Health Practionners Competence Assurance Act 2003.

  • To gain registration in New Zealand as a physiotherapist under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance (HPCA) Act 2003 competence must be demonstrated in cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal and neurological physiotherapy in all the nine areas illustrated in Physiotherapy Competencies for physiotherapy practice in New Zealand, which can be viewed here:
  • Registration Process Applicants must seek registration under the Health Practioners Competence Assurance Act 2003.
  • There are no mandatory exams set by the board however you may be required to sit a competence examination if sufficient evidence of competence has not been adequately demonstrated.

                                                             Requirements[edit | edit source]

➢ Part One Application Guidance Notes

➢ Part Two Application Form

➢ Part Three Checklist

➢ Part Four The Treaty of Waitangi

➢ Part Five Competency Templates

➢ Part Six Curriculum Vitae Template

➢ Part Seven Reflective Statement Template

➢ Part Eight Validation of Work History Form

➢ Part Nine Confirmation of Fitness to Practise Form |

                                                      Job Opportunites[edit | edit source]

There are over a 1000 jobs advertised by recruitment websites in New Zealand including :

                                                      Initial Basic Grade Salary[edit | edit source]

Approximately NZ $60,000 - $70,000

[edit | edit source]

                                                                     Cost[edit | edit source]

Application Fee

NZ $1,200.00 (non-refundable)

                                                             Useful Websites[edit | edit source]