Knee Osteoarthritis

Welcome to Vrije Universiteit Brussel's Evidence-based Practice project. This space was created by and for the students in the Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy program of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium. Please do not edit unless you are involved in this project, but please come back in the near future to check out new information!!

Original Editors - Hamelryck Sascha

Lead Editors - Hellinckx Bo

Search Strategy[edit | edit source]

Databases used: Pubmed, Web of knowledge, American college of rheumatology.

Keywords used: osteoarthritis, knee, treatment, definition, exercises, surgery, condition (or a combination of these words).

Definition/Description[edit | edit source]

Simply put, arthritis means inflammation of a joint (artho meaning joint and itis meaning inflammation). Thus, osteoarthritis means inflammation of the bone (osteo means bone) and joint.

Knee osteoarthritis is the occurrence of osteoarthritis (OA) in the knee joint. The OA can be diagnosed in 3 areas within the knee:

  1. Medial tibiofemoral compartment
  2. Lateral tibiofemoral compartment
  3. Patellofemoral compartment

Clinically Relevant Anatomy[edit | edit source]

The normal anatomy of the knee, incluing the musculoskeletal and soft tissue components, can be reviewed in the following interactive video: 

As mentioned above, OA in the knee occurs in the patellofemoral joint as well as in the tibiofemoral joint (Figure1)


Figure1: damage to: the patellofemoral joint (left); the tibiofemoral joints (right).

As seen in Figure 1, the articular cartilage (covering the bone surface) and meniscus (the cushioning material) are greatly affected in the progression of knee OA. Unlike Rheumatoid Arthritis, the pathophysiology behind osteoarthritis remains largely unknown. However, OA, in any joint, is said to be a "wear and tear condition". This means that, over time, the stresses and demands put on the knee gradually cause early wearing of the hyaline cartilage that covers the end of bone. Continued inflammation in the knee joint can eventually lead to meniscal degredation seen in later stages of knee OA. 

If the meniscus is worn away enough, this leads to a reduction in the respective tibiofemoral joint space and bone-on-bone contact between the femur and tibia results. This creates varus (bow legged appearance) or valgus (knock knee appearance) knee deformities depeding on which side of cartilage is affected -medial meniscus (Figure 2) or lateral meniscus, respectively.

File:Medial oa.jpg

Figure 2: X-ray demonstrating bilateral medial tibiofemoral compartment knee OA, resulting in bilateral genu varum.

Other important factors are:
 - Quadriceps strenght
 - Alignment of the femur and tibia ( valgus/varus)
 - (age and weight)

Epidemiology /Etiology[edit | edit source]

In light of an increasingly ageing population, the prevalence of arthritic conditions is rising. More than 10 million British adults consult their general practitioner annually with arthritis-related musculoskeletal complaints, one in three of who are 75 years or older (BRU 2006).

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis in the United Kingdom, affecting more than 6.5 million individuals, and is four times more common in women than men (ARC 2002). The knee joint is most commonly affected (Oliveria et al 1995), with more than six million individuals experiencing painful OA in one or both knees (ARU 2008).

End-stage OA usually results in a considerable loss of function, increases in pain, and deterioration of health-related quality of life (HRQoL). As such, total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has become the standard procedure for these severe cases (Dettori et al 2010); with the main rationale for conducting these surgeries being to relieve functional disability and chronic joint pain (Kennedy et al 2003; Juni, Reichenbach, and Dieppe 2006).

Osteoarthritis can be catagorized into 2 types:

Type I: this type of OA is mostly related to aging, there is no other disease or trauma causing the condition.
With age the water level in the articulate cartilage rises and makes the cartilage less solid. The production of proteins that are used in the maintenance of the cartilage also decreases, making the cartilage more vulnerable to ruptures.

Type II: In this type of OA there is another condition or disease causing the OA
for example: obesity, diabetes, surgery to joint structures, repeated trauma...

In the early stage in an osteoarthritis affected knee joint the cartilage will start to show signs of wear, tiny crevasses or ruptures. If no effort is made to slow down or stop this process the cartilage will then further degenerate and pieces of the cartilage “cushion” between the bones of the affected joint will be gone. This will affect the functioning of the underlying bone, making them deform, form bone spurs and such endangering the function of the joint. [1]

Also the synovial membrane can be agitated and cause periodic inflammation. [2]

Although the exact mechanisms behind OA progression are still quite elusive, there are some risk factors which have been identified that seem to contribure to its onset. This include, but are not limited to:

  • increased weight - produces a larger load through the weight bearing joints, thus leading to greater demand of the joint components
  • increased age - as knee OA is a wear-an-tear condition, older individuals are more suseptible to onset due to a longer life-time of stress through the knee
  • gender - females develop OA more commonly than men
  • overuse - repetitive activities cause stress on the joint components and with inadequeate rest between similar actions, the anabolic/catabolic ratio within the joint tissues tends to favour catabolism of cartilidge leading to OA
  • knee immobilization - when a joint is immobilized, the structures around/within the joint change to become weaker. This can cause abnormal joint kinesiology/mechanics, leading to OA

Figure 3 summarizes the main pathophysiological features of osteoarthritis.

File:Cycle of OA.jpg

Figure 3: Cycle of Osteoarthritis.

Characteristics/Clinical Presentation
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As with most diseases, there are signs and symptoms which arise with OA. These include:

  • Localised pain in the knee - early on in the disease, patinets tend to experience more pain when they increae activity. This pain decreases with rest. However, late in the disease process, patients may experience pain all the time, even at rest.
  • Locking and giving way - as a weight bearing joint, the knee takes a large load when walking. In more advanced cases of OA, patients may feel that their knee locks or gives way during weight bearing activities. This is a result of the changes going on to the internal structures of the knee. For example, locking may occur if there are torn pieces of meniscus in the knee. These will become trapped between the bone ends during the natural locking mechanism of the knee during weightbearing, thus making it hard to unlock. There are many reasons for giving way during weightbearing; however, common reasons are due to pain-inhibition of the quadriceps muscles and decreased proprioception within the knee joint.
  • Morning stiffness - patients with OA will usually experience short-lived stiffness in the morning, which usually resolves within 30 minutes to an hour. They may also experience pain following inactivity, such as sitting in one position for too long.
  • Diurnal Pain - the pain found in the knee joint tends to be worse in the evening, compared to the morning, due to increased pain with increased activity.

Differential Diagnosis[edit | edit source]

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Diagnostic Procedures[edit | edit source]

Symptoms: [2]
- Pain
- (morning) stiffness
- Decrease in the abilities of daily functioning
- Loss of mobility in the affected joint
- Decrease in muscle power
- Instabillity of the joint
- Crepitations

Recently The European league against rheumatism developed diagnostic criteria for diagnosing knee osteoarthritis. The most important factors are stated in Figure 2. [3]

EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis, W Zhang, M Doherty, G Peat, et al., Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69:483–489. doi:10.1136/ard.2009.113100

X-ray: The basic X-ray is used to research breakdown of cartilage, narrowing of joint space , forming of bone spurs and to exclude other causes of pain in the affected joint.

Arthrocentesis: This is a procedure which can be performed at the doctor’s office. A sterile needle is used to take samples of joint fluid which can then be examined for cartilage fragments , infection or gout.

Arthroscopy: is a surgical technique where a camera is inserted in the affected joint to visually obtain information about the damage caused to the joint by the osteoarthritis.

Outcome Measures[edit | edit source]

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Examination [2][edit | edit source]

If a patient is referred to you by a Doctor, it is most likely he performed a medical examination. It is imperative to look at his/her findings when examinating the patient.
- Inspection:
mind the position of the joints when in rest, and how the patient moves. This can be accomplished by making the patient perform simulations of daily activities like: getting up from and down on a chair, stair climbing, ...

- Palpation:
mind: swelling, temperature differences, muscle tonus. Also be weary of possible bone spurs (osteocyts) that have formed on the edge of the joint. These osteocyts are a serious indication towards osteoarthritis.

- Examination of basic functions:
Testing of muscle power, coordination, mobility, balance and also stability of the joint. These factors can be tested by active test like standing on one leg, and passive manual tests. When testing stability of the joint muscle strength and proprioception are of significant importance.

Medical Management [2]
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- Anti-inflammatory medication to counter periodic inflammation
- Surgical replacement of knee joint when damage to natural structures is to grave.

Physical Therapy Management
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- Exercise
Has proved to be effective as pain management and improving of physical functioning on short term. However these exercises have to take place under supervision of for example a physiotherapist. When properly instructed these exercises can be performed at home. However research has show that a group exercise combined with home exercise is more effective than home exercise alone.[2] ,[4]
- Hydrotherapy

Is recommended in international guidelines. Despite contradictory evidence hydrotherapy can be useful in cases where pain is too grave to exercise on dry land. It can be a good preparation of exercise on dry land.[2]

Osteoarthritis usually affects the weight-bearing joints. Some of the above symptoms like muscle weakness will be present in most patients. The strength of muscles around the affected joints can be built up by graduated exercises making uses of buoyancy and floats (in the later stage of the treatment).[5][6] Range of motion can also be maintained and increased[6] using the freedom of movement offered by the water with the support given by the buoyancy.

Functional difficulties of osteoarthritis patients are generally concerned with walking and climbing stairs, and much can be done to re-educate such patients in the pool.[6] Many patients are more mobile in water than on land and this gives them greater confidence and a sense of achievement.

Other studies show that aquatic exercise (Aquatherapy) has some short-term beneficial effects.[7] They established that there is a positive effect on both mixed knee and hip Osteoarthritis and on knee Osteoarthritis alone at the end of an aquatic training program. Also no long-term effects have been found. Aquatic exercise may therefore be considered as the first part of an exercise therapy program tot get particularly disabled patients introduced to training.[7]

- Manual actions:
Achieving a passive motion in the joint

Has proven effective to locate and eliminate factors like pain and joint immobility, however it is only effective when combined with active exercise. This progress can enable further or advanced exercises. [2]
- Massage
Is not effective in the case of osteoarthritis.[2]
- Thermotherapy
Can be used to warm up of tissue (for example very stiff joints) before exercise.
- Electrotherapy
For example electro stimulation in improving quadriceps muscle strength is not proven effective. [8]
- Ultrasound
Is not advised in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis.[2]
- External support devices

- total knee braces when being diagnosed with total knee
- lateral elevated orthopedic sole when being diagnosed with
  medial compartment knee osteoarthritis.

Has proven slightly effective in decreasing pain in patients with
patellofemoral osteoarthritis.

- Post-operative exercise
Is very much recommended. Exercises to improve the function of the new joint and muscle strengthening are most effective.[2][4]

Key Research[edit | edit source]

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Clinical Bottom Line[edit | edit source]

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References[edit | edit source]

  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 KNGF-richtlijn Artrose heup-knie, W.F.H. PeterI, M.J. JansenII, et al. Supplement bij het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fysiotherapie, Jaargang 120 • Nummer 1 • 2010
  3. EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis, W Zhang, M Doherty, G Peat, et al., Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69:483–489. doi:10.1136/ard.2009.113100 ( Quality level C : literature study)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Supplementing a home exercise program with a class-based exercise program is more effective than home exercise alone in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis ,C. J. McCarthy, P. M. Mills1, R. Pullen, C. Roberts, A. Silman and,J. A. Oldham, Rheumatology 2004;43:880–886 (RCT quality level B)
  5. Hinman, R.S., Heywood, S.E. (2007). Aquatic physical therapy for hip and knee osteoarthritis: results of a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Journal of Physical Therapy 87 (1), 32-43 (Level of evidence : 1B)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Wang, T., Belza, B., Elaine Thompson, F., Whitney, J.D., Bennett, K. (2007) Effects of aquatic exercise of flexibility, strength and aerobic fitness in adults with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 57 (2), 141-152
  7. 7.0 7.1 Bartels et al., Aquatic exercise for the treatment of knee and hip osteoarthritis (Review),The Cochrane Library 2007, Issue 4 (Level of evidence : 1A)
  8. A Clinical Trial of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation in Improving Quadriceps Muscle Strength and Activation Among Women With Mild and Moderate Osteoarthritis, Riann M. Palmieri-Smith, Abbey C. Thomas, Carrie Karvonen-Gutierrez, MaryFran Sowers, Physical Therapy - Volume 90 Number 10 October 2010 ( RCT quality level C)