Nottingham University Spinal Rehabilitation Project

Course Description[edit | edit source]

This project forms part of the first Spinal Rehabilitation module in the three year undergraduate physiotherapy course (BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy) at the University of Nottingham.

Course Instructors[edit | edit source]

Catherine Moore

Course Dates[edit | edit source]

22 October 2012 - 21 Jan 2013

Instructions to Students[edit | edit source]

In your small groups (max 4), which you will have self-selected at the start of the module, you will work collaboratively to develop either an existing Physiopedia Wiki page or build a new Physiopedia Wiki page. You will need to work on this over the course of semester 5 and there has been a session timetabled into the module in order to introduce this.

The actual marks for this module will be given for the group presentation on the 21st January 2013. In the presentation you will need to present:

The page or subject area chosen
The relevance and importance of this topic to Physiotherapy clinical practice
What the content was on the page at the outset
What changes you made to the page
Why you made these changes
The literature you used to support the changes
Critical appraisal of this literature
What the page looks like now, highlighting the changes you have made or content added

You need to think carefully about copyright, particularly in regard to images. You must make it explicit how you have worked together, remember that I can look into the background of the page to see who has made the edits (this will happen as it forms part of the marks scheme). You must evaluate the information on the page and challenge whether the information is accurate/up to date. Remember anyone can see what you have written. Edit the bits you feel are in need of change. Add any information you feel you could enhance the topic based on the literature. Demonstrate collaborative working through your editing and presentation. You can also add video content and this may be a good addition to a page but you need to think carefully about how it looks as anyone can access it.

Topics you may want to choose from are:

Reviewing orthopaedic tests for the assessment of the sacroiliac joint
Sacroiliac joint form and force closure
Sacroiliac joint myofascial slings
Classification systems for low back pain (overview of the concepts)
Mechanical diagnosis and Therapy for classifying/treating low back pain
Movement diagnosis for classifying/treating low back pain
NICE guidance for the management of sub-acute low back pain
Manual therapy techniques for low back pain
Management of chronic low back pain

You may also choose a topic of your choice after reviewing the website but need to discuss this with me first.

After you have chosen your topic in your group I will make appointments to see each group individually so we can discuss what changes you think would be appropriate. This is merely to ensure that what you have chosen is feasible in the time frame available for semester.

Articles[edit | edit source]