User:Eric Rousseau

I am clinician since 13 years as physical therapist. I specialized myself with manual therapy. I wrote an article published in Manual Therapy about a new knee pain syndrome. I spent a lot of time reading about head syndromes: tmj, headache, vestibular rehab, etc... I began last year a master. The subject of my master is about rehab of sleep apnea syndrome.

Name[edit | edit source]

Eric Rousseau

About Me
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I am clinician since 13 years as physical therapist. I specialized myself with manual therapy. I wrote an article published in Manual Therapy about a new knee pain syndrome. I spent a lot of time reading about head syndromes: temporo-mandibular dysfunctions, headaches, vestibular rehabilitation, etc... I began last year a research master. The subject of my thesis is about magnetic transcranial stimulation and rehabilitation of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

Education[edit | edit source]

Major Biological Sciences 1996-1997 University of Montreal

B. Sc. Physical Therapy 1997-1999 University of Montreal

M. Sc. Experimental Medicine 2012- University Laval

Professional Affiliations
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OPPQ - Ordre Professionnel de la Physiothérapie du Québec

AHS - American Headache Society

ATS - American Throracic Society

Professional Appointments
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Add any professional appointments here, for example if you site on the board of any professional bodies or clinical interest groups.

[edit | edit source]

  1. Melo-Silva CA, Gakwaya S, Rousseau E, Sériès F. Consecutive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Twitches Reduce Flow-Limitation During Sleep in Apneic Patients. Exp Physiol 2013 [Epub ahead of print]
  2. Rousseau E. The anterior recurrent peroneal nerve entrapment syndrome: A patellar tendinopathy differential diagnosis case report. Man Ther 2012 [Epub ahead of print]

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Contact Details[edit | edit source]

email: [email protected]

This User is a member of the Musculoskeletal/Orthopaedic group and Cardiopulmonary group