New Graduate Opportunities 2014

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Every year we take on a small group of new graduates to bridge the gap between graduation and their first job.  We want to help you to put something outstanding on your CV, provide you with a reference and have some fun along the way!

There are two circumstances under which you might join our team, as a volunteer on our volunteer program or in the more directed role as an intern.  These are temporary roles that are intended to provide you with a rich learning and professional development experience.  We will match you to a role that is directly related to your interests and provide full training and support during your time with us.

Volunteer Program[edit | edit source]

Our formal volunteer program has been running for over a year now and we have seen nearly 30 people graduate into roles of their choosing at Physiopedia.  The volunteer program is designed to be completed in your own time and at your own speed and is rewarded with certifications of achievement, references and a valuable learning experience!

Internships[edit | edit source]

Our internships are a more formal experience than the volunteer program.  You are provided with a specific role to complete within the 3 months of your internship and are expected to treat these roles as a professional position of work.  Our internships are all 3 months in lenght and are suited to your interests.

We have several internship opportunities available this year:

About Volunteering and Internships
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  • You work from home on your own computer
  • You will receive online support and training from the Physiopedia team
  • You will receive evidence of your contributions in the form of Physiopedia certification
  • We will happily provide you with a reference
  • These are volunteer positions, there is no remuneration