Create new page

Before you create a new page make sure that you search for the topic that you wish to write about to ensure that it is not already in existence.  If it is not there you can create a new page for this topic yourself.  To create a new page follow the steps below.

  1. Type the name of your new page into the search box.
  2. If the page that you are looking for is not in existence, the search results will have these words at the top of the page:
                         "There is no page titled "new page". You can create this page".

  1. Click on the Edit tab to edit your page.


  2. Make a link to the new page.  Using your mouse highlight the words that you intend to turn into the link.


  3. Then click on the insert/edit link button.


  4. A pop-up box will appear. Type the name of the new Physiopedia page in the 'link' box.


  5. Click OK button to save and your new link will appear on the page that you are editing.


  6. Click the Save page button at the bottom of the page


    Your new link will now take you to the page that you are linking to where you can start editing it.