Managing Disorders of the Canine Front Limb

Original Editor - Ansi Van Der Walt Top Contributors - Jess Bell, Tarina van der Stockt and Kim Jackson
This article or area is currently under construction and may only be partially complete. Please come back soon to see the finished work! (17/02/2021)

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Forelimb lameness in dogs is very common, but it can be difficult to determine the exact cause of lameness.[1] This page discusses some of the more common types of forelimb lameness in the canine patient.

Shoulder[edit | edit source]

The shoulder joint in canine patients is the most mobile of all limb joints. Motion at the shoulder includes abduction, adduction, internal rotation, external rotation, but the primary movement is in the sagittal plane. Stability of the canine shoulder is maintained by the joint capsule, the medial and lateral glenohumeral ligaments, as well as large tendons located inside or just outside the joint.[2]

Osteochondrosis[edit | edit source]

The most common cause of shoulder lameness is osteochondrosis (OCD).[3] This condition occurs when cartilage grows at a faster rate than the underlying bone, which causes areas of cartilage thickening. The thickened cartilage becomes prone to shearing forces and may detach from the subchondral bone. Once there is detachment, the synovial fluid comes into direct contact with the subchondral bone, which causes inflammation. At this stage in the disease process, the syndrome becomes known as osteochondrosis dissecans and has an inflammatory component.[4]

Early diagnosis is important as it can influence recovery rate and may prevent degenerative changes from occurring.[5]

Key features[4][edit | edit source]

  • Dogs are aged between 6 and 9 months of age (although it can present up until 12 months of age)
  • Affects medium to large breed dogs more than small-breed dogs[6]
  • Around one third of dogs are affected bilaterally
  • The shoulder joint is most often affected, but it can occur in other joints and dogs can have multiple joints affected
  • There will usually be a history of intermittent lameness, that may occur from around 6 months of age. There will usually be some shoulder muscle atrophy. Pain is provoked with passive shoulder extension and flexion,[7] as well as with digital pressure over the humeral head
  • It can be imaged with x-ray, ultrasound, CT and MRI[8]

Management[edit | edit source]

Ideally, the OCD lesion will be surgically removed. Once the cartilage flap is removed, the area will fill with connective tissue. If this flap is not removed, there will be ongoing joint irritation, which will cause long-term deficits and degeneration of the joint cartilage (i.e. there is a high risk of osteoarthritis).[4] Young dogs aged between 6 and 10 months have the best outcomes following surgical interventions.[5]

Rehabilitation[edit | edit source]

There are few evidence-based recommendations for rehabilitation following the surgical removal of an OCD lesion. Some studies recommend between 4 and 12 weeks of complete non weight bearing, which usually means 4-12 weeks of cage rest.[4]

Physiotherapy in the initial phase aims to:[4]

  • Restore full passive range of motion (ROM)
  • Reduce joint swelling
  • Introduce static strengthening exercises
  • Gradually introduce non-weight bearing exercises through range (e.g. swimming)

In order to progress to weight bearing exercises, the dog needs to have:[4]

  • No pain or swelling in the joint
  • Full passive ROM
  • Radiographic evidence that the OCD lesion is healing / filling

After 4 to 6 months, the dog may be allowed to start with progressive cardiovascular exercises - i.e. longer walks, straight-line running. They must be on their leash so that they do not twist / turn and strain the joint surface. A dog can only start more strenuous activities (i.e. sudden turning, spinning, sudden stops, acceleration) 6 months after surgery, if they have no recurrence of pain or joint effusion.[4]

Supraspinatus Tendinopathy[edit | edit source]

Supraspinatus tendinopathy usually occurs in working / performance dogs. Canapp and colleagues found that there is no specific age, sex, or breed predisposition to developing this condition. It is believed that supraspinatus tendinopathy is caused by overuse (i.e. chronic, repetitive activities) and a failure for adequate remodelling in the tendon. Inflammation may be present in the early stages, but it is not typically involved in the later stages of the disease process.[9]

Key Features[9][edit | edit source]

  • Canine patients with this condition usually present with varying degrees of lameness. This lameness increases with activity, and is usually not very responsive to conservative treatment[4]
  • Weight-bearing lameness is often worse with activity
  • There may be atrophy of the supraspinatus muscle
  • There is usually pain on direct palpation of the supraspinatus tendon and with shoulder flexion
  • There is often concurrent elbow dysplasia and or other pathological changes in the shoulder
  • After function returns, dogs have a lifelong increased susceptibility to re-injury because the fibrotic scar tissue has reduced strength when compared to the original tendon[10]

Management[edit | edit source]

The medical management usually involves non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) and controlled activity for a period of time alongside physiotherapy management.[4] Other treatments may include: acupuncture, deep cross-friction massage, heat, ultrasound, range of motion exercises / stretching, therapeutic laser extracorporeal shockwave therapy,[11] regenerative medicine therapy and  ultrasound-guided injections of platelet-rich plasma.[10][9]

Canapp found that 74.6 percent of canine patients do not respond well to NSAID therapy and 40.8 percent do not respond to rehabilitation therapy.[9] However, surgical options tend to have low efficacy and lameness tends to persist.[4]

Physiotherapy Management[edit | edit source]

In 2009, Cook and Purdam proposed the continuum model for tendinopathies. They divide tendinopathy into three phases:[12]

  1. Reactive tendinopathy
  2. Tendon dysrepair
  3. Degenerative tendinopathy

In the reactive stage, there is diffuse increased cellularity and ground substance. This is followed in the second phase by the appearance of focal areas of collagen disorganisation and neurovascular ingrowth. Finally, this progresses to a morphology with discrete areas of degenerative tendinopathy.[13] However, as Cook and colleagues note, the relationship between structure, pain and function in tendons is not yet fully understood and this contributes in part to the complexities surrounding the management of tendinopathy.[14]

Phase One[edit | edit source]

As in human patients, the first phase of rehabilitation in canine patients focuses on:[4][13]

  • Reducing pain
  • Avoiding activities that cause compression of the tendon (for supraspinatus this means avoiding activities that occur in full shoulder flexion)
  • Avoiding the Stretch-Shortening-Cycle. Swimming is NOT an appropriate choice for this reason[4]
  • Introducing isometric exercises in a mid-range position to avoid excessive strain on the tendon.[15][16][17] In highly irritable tendons, bilateral exercises with shorter holding times and fewer repetitions may be indicated.

Other modalities that may be useful, include ice, TENS and LASER.[18][19]

Once the dog’s pain is controlled, it has good static stability of its limb, and it can achieve an isometric static contraction without an increase in symptoms, it is possible to move into phase two of tendon rehabilitation.[4]

Phase Two[edit | edit source]

Phase two focuses on strengthening. The aim is to gradually increase the tendon’s ability to produce force and manage load.[4]

  • Repetitive loading such as running / walking are unlikely to stimulate significant adaptive changes
  • The focus is rather on heavier loads that can promote change in muscle and tendon and improve their load capacity

Exercise prescription must be tailored to the patient in terms of:[4]

  • Pain level
  • Specific weakness
  • Patient goals
  • Requirements of sport / work

Tendinopathy loading programmes generally fall into three categories:[20]

  1. Eccentric loading
  2. Heavy slow resistance training
  3. Combined approach

Eccentric exercises have been the mainstay of tendinopathy treatment for many years.[17] More recently, however, research has highlighted the benefit of also focusing on the concentric phase of exercises with heavy slow resistance training[20]

The aim in phase two is to continue to achieve strength changes in the mid-range position and to avoid tendon compression. It is also important to avoid rapid cycling of the tendon. Exercises should be slow, deliberate and against some resistance.[4]


  • Tendon rehabilitation tends to take time
  • For the first 24 to 36 hours after loading, there is a net loss of collagen production[21] - this means there must be adequate time for recovery to allow any strain to the tendon to recover. A fatigued tendon will be at greater risk of regressing.
Phase Three[edit | edit source]

It is possible to progress to phase three (i.e. functional rehabilitation) when the patient has good neuromuscular control, relatively even muscle development, no recurrence of pain and swelling or any regression in function. For sporting / working dogs, it is particularly important to include functional rehabilitation.[4] Functional rehabilitation falls into three categories:[13]

  1. Exercises that are specific to the functional requirements of the affected muscle and tendon
  2. Improving load capacity of the entire kinetic chain
  3. Addressing movement dysfunctions that could cause recurrence of the tendinopathy

It is also important to achieve neuroplastic training of the tendon.[22] There are significant neuromotor changes in tendinopathy that affect the descending control of the neuromuscular junction where there is pain and swelling in a tendon. It is, therefore, important to restore optimal communication between the central nervous system and the tendon to ensure it can function under high loads. This can be achieved by the use of an external marker. In dogs, this can be achieved by ensuring that a dog does an activity in response to a verbal cue for a reward (e.g. treat).[4]

Biceps Brachii Tendinopathy[edit | edit source]

Canine patients often also present with biceps brachii tendinopathy, particularly of the long head of the biceps. Damage to the tendon either occurs from repetitive strain,[23] so it is relatively common in agility dogs that perform repetitive tight turns and repetitive landing on their front legs) or as a result of a single, significant or severe loading that exceeds the tendon's capacity.[4]

Key Features[edit | edit source]

Biceps brachii tendinopathy is often associated with a supraspinatus tendon lesion. It does not usually occur in isolation.[4] It tends to occur in middle aged or older dogs who are medium to large sized.[24][25]

Animals present with variable degrees of lameness. Often, the only significant factor in the history is a loss of performance. Dogs may start to:[4]

  • Knock jumps during agility
  • Avoid turning tightly
  • Avoid performing their two-on two-off contact behaviour (I.e  they have to land  on their front legs and sustain that position there

Other features include:[4]

  • Shortened stride
  • Weight bearing lameness that can range from subtle to severe[2]
  • Symptoms worsen with activity
  • Direct palpation over the biceps origin may elicit a pain response[24]
  • Pain and spasm may be noted when performing the biceps stretch (flexing the shoulder with the elbow in extension)[24]

Management[edit | edit source]

Conservative management is recommended in acute cases. This usually consists of:[4]

  • Controlled activity
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Cryotherapy
  • Intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid, cortisone
  • Regenerative therapy approaches such as PRP or STEM cell therapy

Surgical management is recommended when there is an avulsion of the biceps tendon from the scapula, significant tears, or when the injury does not respond to conservative management.[25]

There are two surgical options:

  1. Tenotomy - the tendon is reattached to the bone
  2. Tenodesis where the tendon is just resected and allowed to be completely loose from the bone

The tenotomy option usually has the most favourable long-term clinical results and a high level of owner satisfaction.[25] Even though this results in the loss of function of the long head of the bicep, canine patients are able to adapt fairly successfully.[4]

Physiotherapy Management[edit | edit source]

Conservative management is similar to that discussed above for supraspinatus tendinopathy. The position of compression of the bicep tendon is also in shoulder flexion, so this position needs to be avoided in the early phases of rehabilitation.[4]

There is little literature to support specific rehabilitation programmes following tenotomy. It is, therefore, important to remember that if the dog has had a resection of its biceps tendon, there really is not a tendon to heal per se. This tendon has been cut and is no longer expected to have any function at all. However, the joint capsule is likely to be quite inflamed, and there will likely be some deconditioning of the whole shoulder joint motion segment. This will inform treatment options going forwards.[4]

Because the long head of biceps plays a significant role in shoulder stability, both in flexion and neutral, the biceps tendon contributes to cranial and medial stability. Rehabilitation must, therefore, focus on helping the dog to find other strategies that are effective in stabilising the shoulder joint. Thus, rehabilitation must include:[4]

  • Motor control
  • Joint stability
  • Strengthening of the synergistic muscles around the shoulder

Throughout rehabilitation, you want to ensure that you achieve and maintain pain-free passive and active range of motion. Like in supraspinatus tendinopathy, heavy, slow resistance-type training will be most effective in terms of enabling the shoulder to cope with heavy high demands during sport and activities.

Medial Shoulder Syndrome[edit | edit source]

Medial shoulder syndrome is a common cause of forelimb gait-related issues in dogs.[26]

The aetiology of medial shoulder syndrome is unknown, but it is usually related to repetitive activity and overuse rather than trauma.[2]

Dogs who do a lot of turning or jumping such as agility dogs are prone to this condition. This is especially true of agility as it involves a lot of jumping and turning activities. These movements place the shoulder under load near its end of range abduction and stresses the soft tissue on the medial aspect of the shoulder joint. It can also occur if the dogs often slip on slippery or unstable surfaces (e.g  a dog repetitively running on tiled surfaces).[2]

This repetitive strain predisposes the dog to degeneration of the tissues, which reduces tensile strength in the medial shoulder compartment and can cause fraying, disruption, and ultimately complete breakdown of the tissues.[2]

If this syndrome continues to progress, instability and subluxation of the shoulder can occur. Medial shoulder instability is essentially the end stage of a chronic progression of medial shoulder disease. It is, therefore, important to identify and start treatment early on in the process in order to achieve the best long-term results.[4]

Key Features[edit | edit source]

Signs of medial shoulder syndrome range from performance-related issues (i.e. the dog may not want to do tight turns anymore[2]) to relatively significant weight-bearing lameness:[4]

  • Front leg lameness is intermittent,[2] and tends to worsens with exercise / heavy activity
  • Does not respond well to rest and anti-inflammatory medications
  • Usually unilateral
  • Variable presentation from slightly shortened stride to significant weight-bearing lameness
  • Some atrophy is usually associated with chronic cases
  • Restricted shoulder extension common on passive range of motion testing[2]
  • Muscle spasm in the muscles around the shoulder and discomfort on passive glenohumeral abduction of the shoulder is common

Medial shoulder pathology can be seen on ultrasound[26] and it is usually classified as either:

  1. Mild medial shoulder syndrome - this includes mild pathological changes
  2. Moderate medial shoulder instability - this includes more significant subscapularis tendinopathy

Management[edit | edit source]

In mild cases, treatment is usually focused on physiotherapy management.

A key component of early rehabilitation in any of the stages is the use of shoulder hobbles. Hobbles are an external brace that can be used to limit abduction during movement. If the dog has moderate or severe medial shoulder syndrome, the dog will usually require arthroscopic intervention, namely radiofrequency to clean out the medial compartment, remove all the frayed remnants of the structures in the medial compartment of the shoulder.[4]

For the first two weeks post-arthroscopy, the mechanical properties of the tissues are reduced. Strength gradually returns after two weeks and it is usually possible to progress dogs to normal activity between six and 12 weeks, depending on the extent of the damage. It is recommended that the patient is placed in hobbles for the first three months after arthroscopy.[4]

Guidelines[edit | edit source]

There is not a lot of high-level evidence to support / develop postoperative rehabilitation protocols.[27] Recent animal studies suggest that immobilisation after rotator cuff repair of at least two weeks significantly reduces postoperative stiffness.[28][29] This may be due to thickening of the scar tissue with early passive range of motion.

Phase One[edit | edit source]


  1. Protect healing tissue
  2. Reduce pain
  3. Minimise the formation of adhesions

Collagen deposition peaks at about ten days after surgery. It continues to be deposited for between one and two months. During this time, it is important to guide the alignment of tendon deposition to ensure that the scar is functional and that the risk of adhesions and non-functional scar is minimised. By about ten days, the animal therapist will start working towards restoring full passive range of motion. Early exercises to maintain mobility in the thoracic and cervical spine are also important, as are active range of motion of the carpus and elbow.[4]

Phase Two[edit | edit source]

Usually after around two weeks, the patient can progress to phase two. Dogs need to demonstrate that:[4]

  • Muscle strength in static positions is equal between the affected and the unaffected side
  • Good weight-bearing
  • Resistance to external perturbation that is equal between the affected and unaffected sides

During phase two, it is important to start encouraging active range of motion exercises of the shoulder (e.g. “give paw”). Check always for discomfort and that there is no increase in symptoms after the exercises are performed.

At this stage, slow active range of motion exercises underwater can be commenced (not swimming, as this places too much load on the shoulder). The hydrostatic pressure and the warmth of the water reduces pain and reactive muscle spasm and encourages more efficient neuromotor responses in a safe, supported environment. The warm water will also reduce muscle guarding, reducing pain, and encouraging the dog to move more freely.[4][30][31]

Aquatic exercises include:[4]

  • Figure of eights in the water to introduce rotation
  • Active flexion through carpus, elbow, shoulder when a Cavaletti rail is placed in the water
  • Step onto and back off a raised step to achieve concentric and eccentric muscle work, and progressively load the tendon tissue
  • Side-stepping - this isolates abduction and adduction, ensuring that all the dynamic components of the kinetic chain can be strengthened. Because it is a non-habitual movement, it provides a means of optimising proprioception

During phase two, the dog can start to progress to:[4]

  • Single-leg stability exercises (i.e. it lifts the unaffected limb and transfers weight only to the affected front limb)
  • Controlled rotation components in exercises (i.e. encourage a dog to turn to the side with a treat)
Phase Three[edit | edit source]

It is possible to progress to phase three when the dog’s active range of motion is the same on both sides. This usually occurs two or three months post-surgery. During this phase, it is possible to increase the load on the medial shoulder structures with more strenuous isotonic-type stability exercises.[4]

  • Controlled, progressive swimming exercises or potentially underwater treadmill therapy can be introduced
  • Stability exercises can be progressed to single-leg exercises on unstable surfaces
  • Dynamic rotation components can be introduced (i.e. potentially getting the dog to turn in tight circles
  • Challenge muscles and joints through full range (i.e. getting the dog to lie down and then push all the way back to stand)
Phase Four[edit | edit source]

Advanced strengthening can typically be started by around three months. To progress to phase four, the patient should be:[4]

  • Pain-free with activities of daily living
  • Able to tolerate all phase three exercises before progressing to phase four
  • Free of pain while performing activities during the session and should have no discomfort after training

Exercises are progressed by increasing the load, repetitions, challenge of the surface and the degree of movement during the exercise. It is now possible to work through range with external resistance. It is also possible to introduce plyometrics, but to avoid fatigue, as this increases the risk of regression. There must, therefore, be adequate recovery between training sessions. One day of strenuous training should be followed by two days or rest, relative rest and recovery.[4]

Elbow[edit | edit source]

Elbow Dysplasia[edit | edit source]

Elbow dysplasia is a common condition that affects large and giant breed dogs. The pathogenesis of elbow dysplasia is not completely understood, but it is thought to be due to asynchronous growth of the radius and ulna with genetic and environmental origins, including nutrition.[4][32] Dogs with elbow dysplasia may develop secondary osteoarthritis.[33]

Elbow dysplasia encompasses three distinct syndromes that result from abnormal growth and development:[4]

  • Ununited anconeal process (UAP)
  • Fragmented medial coronoid process (FCP)
  • Osteochondrosis

Dogs may present from around four months, and surgical management is recommended to reduce the risk of arthritis.[4]

Post-Operative Physiotherapy Management[edit | edit source]

There are no evidence-based guidelines. Cage rest is determined by the surgeon. Physiotherapy focuses on:[4]

  • Pain management
  • Restoring function as per assessed deficits:
    • ROM (active and passive)
    • Motor control/stability
    • Strength
  • Proprioceptive retraining

Physiotherapy Management for Elbow Osteoarthritis[edit | edit source]

The pharmacological management is determined by the veterinarian. Specific physiotherapy interventions are determined based on specific deficits:[4]

  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Weakness
  • Loss of motor control
  • Proprioceptive deficits

Treatments include:[4]

  • Education and self-management
  • Exercise and weight loss
  • Low impact land or water based exercise
  • Active ROM
  • Weight Management
  • Thermal modalities
    • Cryotherapy has been shown to reduce swelling and improve ROM and function[34]
    • 48 percent of human patients prefer heat, but outcomes for pain and function were better if the patient received thermal modality of choice (heat/cold/contrast)[35]
  • There is inconclusive evidence for bracing, but can be used if it improves pain-free function
  • Taping can provide clues about response and tolerance to external support. However, many dogs will not tolerate a brace and chew it off

References[edit | edit source]

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