Developing Expertise in Rehabilitation Professional Practice

Original Editor - Ines Musabyemariya Top Contributors - Ines Musabyemariya, Kim Jackson and Carina Therese MagtibayThis Page is currently under construction and may only be partially complete. Please come back soon to see the finished work! (12/07/2023)

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Expertise is defined as the ability to perform at an excellent level in a specific task or field. Individuals who attain this status are referred to as experts, which means individuals whose performance is considered to be the best in their field.

Expertise is a journey that someone decide to take to reach an ultimate level of performance in a certain Field or task.

Rehabilitation professionals are advised to take time to reflect on their daily work to see how they can help better the people they serve, in this reflective practice, someone can find interest in specializing in a particular field. The field of rehabilitation is vast, and it is not feasible to handle everything on your own.