Category:Manual Muscle Testing

This category includes all pages on manual muscle testing and specifically manual muscle testing by muscle group.

'Resistance' in manual muscle testing is always a concentric force provided my the tester in the direction opposite to the contracting muscle or muscles. However, there are two different methods for performing manual muscle testing as per Daniels and Worthington's book 'Muscle Testing: Techniques of Manual Examination and Performance Testing'.

1. Break testing in manual muscle testing, is when resistance is applied to the body part at the end of the available range of motion. It's called the break test because when a therapist provides resistance the objective for the patient is to not allow the therapist to "break" the muscle hold.

2. Active Resistance testing in manual muscle testing is when resistance is applied through the body part through the available range of motion. This type of manual muscle testing requires skill and experience and is not the recommended practice.