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<div class="editorbox"> '''Original Editor '''- [[User:User Name|Josh Williams]], [[User:User Name|Ashley Pittser]] [[User:User Name|Lance Ramos]] [[User:User Name|Kayla Woods]] [[User:User Name|Kyle Culver]] [[User:User Name|Jeffrey Jackson]] [[User:User Name|Chelsea Miller]] [[User:User Name|Alan Tran]] [[User:User Name|Madison Kirk]] [[User:User Name|Marilyn Kozlowski]] [[User:User Name|Eugene DeLoach]] [[User:User Name|William Warmka]] [[User:User Name|Maddisen Coleman]] [[User:User Name|Paul Spann]] [[User:User Name|Alyxandria Davis]] [[User:User Name|James Williams]] [[User:User Name|Hailee Wiese]] [[User:User Name|Yen-Oanh Vo]] [[User:User Name|Allee Tatum]] [[User:User Name|Landon Andrews]] [[User:User Name|Kelly Fossard]] [[User:User Name|Emily North]] as part of the [[University of Oklahoma Exercise Science Project]]<br> '''Top Contributors''' - {{Special:Contributors/{{FULLPAGENAME}}}}</div>
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== ADHD Medications  ==

As the number of people receiving medication for ADHD is ever expanding, it is becoming exceedingly important to understand how these medications affect the body during exercise. Currently the most common forms of medication used to tread ADHD symptoms are stimulants. These increase the levels of some neurotransmitters in the brain by inhibiting them from being reabsorbed as they naturally would. The increase in the level of neurotransmitters, especially dopamine and norepinephrine, helps control ADHD symptoms by temporarily improving focus and other cognitive functions<ref>Glaser, P., Gerhardt, G., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Norvillitis, J. (2012). The Neuropsychopharmacology of Stimulants: Dopamine and ADHD. In Current Directions in ADHD and Its Treatment (pp. 92-110). In Tech Open Access Publisher.</ref>.  
== Introduction ==
[[File:Body Builder.jpg|right|frameless|512x512px]]
Numerous ergogenic aids that claim to enhance sports performance are used by amateur and professional athletes. Approximately 50 percent of the general population have reported taking some form of dietary supplements, while 76 to 100 percent of athletes in some sports are reported to use them.  

== Alcohol  ==
Performance- Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) are pharmacologic agents that athletes and nonathlete weightlifters use to enhance performance <ref>Pope Jr HG, Wood RI, Rogol A, Nyberg F, Bowers L, Bhasin S. Adverse health consequences of performance-enhancing drugs: an Endocrine Society scientific statement. Endocrine reviews. 2014 Jun 1;35(3):341-75.

Alcohol is a mind-altering drug that reduces thinking ability, distorts judgment, and acts as a depressant on the body. Research has suggested that alcohol leads to increased dopamine release in the human brain, bringing on feelings of relaxation and happiness.<ref>Boileau I, Assaad J, Pihl R, Benkelfat C, Leyton M, Diksic M, et al. Alcohol promotes dopamine release in the human nucleus accumbens. Synapse 2003;49:226-31. http://www.readcube.com/articles/10.1002%2Fsyn.10226?r3_referer=wol&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;tracking_action=preview_click&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;show_checkout=1&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;purchase_site_license=LICENSE_DENIED_NO_CUSTOMER (accessed 15 Sep 2015).</ref>&nbsp;Although this drug is often used during recreation for the purpose of feeling good, it should not be used in combination with exercise because of the serious negative physiological effects that it has on the body.

One of the most easily observable effects of alcohol on the body is dehydration. When alcohol is consumed, anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) is inhibited, causing less water to be absorbed back into the nephrons in the kidneys when urine is cycling through. This causes urine levels to increase, in turn increasing the frequency of urination. With higher levels of water exiting the body, dehydration is likely to occur. This is especially a problem during exercise, when the body is expelling water in the form of sweat as well. It is important to be fully hydrated for a workout; therefore, it is dangerous to consume alcohol before or during exercise. Research has suggested that beverages containing up to 4% alcohol can delay the recovery process from dehydration to rehydration.<ref>Shirreffs S, Maughan R. Restoration of fluid balance after exercise-induced dehydration: Effects of alcohol consumption. Journal of Applied Physiology 1997;83:1152-8. http://jap.physiology.org/content/83/4/1152 (accessed 15 Sep 2015).</ref>&nbsp;Alcohol does not only lead to dehydration; it also prevents humans from reaching rehydration in a timely manner, which could be deadly in a situation regarding exercise.  
Physicians can evaluate these products by examining four factors (method of action, available research, adverse effects, legality) that will help them counsel patients.  

Another important physiological effect that alcohol has on the body deals with blood pressure. Alcohol consumption increases blood and plasma volume, which in turn increases blood pressure. Exercise has a similar effect; the sympathetic immune system is stimulated, leading to vasoconstriction and ultimately increasing blood pressure. To practice safe exercise, it is important not to elevate blood pressure too high beforehand. Research has recommended that alcohol consumption be reduced in order to maintain healthy and safe blood pressure levels.<ref>Xin X, He J, Frontini M, Ogden L, Motsamai O, Whelton P. Effects of alcohol reduction on blood pressure: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Hypertension 2001; 38:1112-7. http://hyper.ahajournals.org/content/38/5/1112.long (accessed 15 Sep 2015).</ref> Likewise, it is unsafe to consume alcohol before or during exercise because blood pressure levels may rise to dangerous levels.  
Common ergogenic aids include
* [[The influence of anabolic steroids on physiologic processes and exercise|Anabolic steroids]], which increase [[muscle]] mass. These illegal supplements are associated with a number of serious adverse effects, some irreversible. They represent one of the oldest classes of drugs of abuse and, accordingly, their effects have been most extensively investigated. When combined with exercise training, AASs increase muscle mass and strength and reduce fat <ref name=":0">La Gerche A, Brosnan MJ. Cardiovascular effects of performance-enhancing drugs. Circulation. 2017 Jan 3;135(1):89-99.</ref>  .
* [[Creatine and Exercise|Creatine]] modestly improves athletic performance and appears to be relatively safe.
* Dehydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione do not improve athletic performance but apparently have similar adverse effects as testosterone and are also banned by some sports organizations.
* [[Caffeine and Exercise|Caffeine]] has mild benefits and side effects and is banned above certain levels. Products that combine caffeine with other stimulants (e.g., ephedrine) have been linked to fatal events.  
* [[Exercise and Protein Supplements|Protein and carbohydrate]] supplementation provides modest benefits with no major adverse effects<ref>Ahrendt DM. Ergogenic aids: counseling the athlete. American Family Physician. 2001 Mar 1;63(5):913.</ref>.
Below there are additional links to pages (see also those above) regarding the influence certain drugs and performance enhancers can have on an individual and the exercise process.<ref>Burke LM, Castell LM, Stear SJ. BJSM reviews: A–Z of supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 1.</ref>

Perhaps the most important physiological effect that alcohol has on the body is that which concerns the heart. Research has shown that intoxication by alcohol directly relates to impairment of cardiac contractility. Depending on how much alcohol was consumed, cardiac contractility was impaired at varying levels; a lighter intoxication lead to less impairment while a heavier intoxication lead to greater impairment.<ref>Kelbaek H, Gjørup T, Brynjolf I, Christensen N, Godtfredsen J. Acute effects of alcohol on left ventricular function in healthy subjects at rest and during upright exercise. The American Journal of Cardiology 1985;55:164-7. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0002914985903200 (accessed 15 Sep 2015).</ref>&nbsp;Exercise causes heart rate to increase, requiring a great deal of cardiac contractility. If the heart is impaired because of alcohol intoxication, blood may not be pumped sufficiently throughout the body during exercise. Therefore, if a person plans on exercising, they should either drink lightly or not at all in an attempt to keep their heart working properly.
== Side effects of PEDs ==

According to O'Brien and Lyons, medical hazards for athletes can be related to alcohol consumption prior to an exercise activity or performance.<ref name="O'Brien">O'Brien C, Lyons F. Alcohol and the Athlete. Sports Medicine [serial on the Internet]. (2000, May), [cited November 17, 2015]; 29(5): 295-300. Available from: SPORTDiscus with Full Text.</ref> A specific health hazard created by alcohol is the reduction in the contraction strength of the left ventricle of the heart resulting in a decreased ability to pump blood to the body.<ref name="O'Brien" /> In addition, alcohol consumption has also been found to potentially cause cardiac arrhythmias, which could lead to a major health issue for an athlete.<ref name="O'Brien" />  
# Direct Effects: [[Hypertension]], Dyslidipemia, Myocyte Hypertrophy, Interstitial Fibrosis <ref name=":0" />
# Indirect Effects: Extreme cardiac remodelling, Exercise-Induded cardiac injuy, Interstitial fibrosis <ref name=":0" />

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) maintains a position related to alcohol consumption and exercise, stating that alcohol use will not increase exercise performance.<ref name="ACSM">American College of Sports Medicine. American College of Sports Medicine position statement on: The use of alcohol in sports. Medicine &amp;amp; Science in Sports &amp;amp; Exercise 1982;14(6):ix-xi.</ref> Use of alcohol before performing a physical activity can affect an athlete by decreasing "reaction time, hand-eye coordination, accuracy, balance, and complex coordination".<ref name="ACSM" /> While some athletes partake in alcohol consumption to help with reducing nervousness or increasing confidence before an athletic performance, the ACSM argues that an athletes psychomotor skills and ability to process information, for rapid adaptations, will be negatively affected.<ref name="ACSM" /> Ingestion of alcohol will also affect many of the body's natural response mechanisms to exercise.<ref name="ACSM" /> Blood glucose levels can be affected during exercise due to consumption of alcohol prior to activity, which can lead to hypoglycemia.<ref name="Juhlin">Juhlin-Dannfelt A, Ahlborg G, Hagenfeldt L, Jorfeldt L, Felig P. Influence of ethanol on splanchnic and skeletal muscle substrate turnover during prolonged exercise in man. American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 1977;233(3):G195-G202.</ref> According to the ACSM, alcohol "will not improve and may decrease strength, power, local muscular endurance, speed, and cardiovascular endurance".<ref name="ACSM" /><br>
== Clinical Consequences ==

Alcohol is the most popular drug in the world consumed by athletes, negatively affecting their exercise performance in terms of skeletal muscle performance, metabolic function, and immune system function. Alcohol consumption impairs metabolic processes during exercise because skeletal muscles decrease their use of glucose and amino acids, thereby adversely affecting their energy supply and metabolism<ref>El-Sayed, M., Ali, N., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; El-Sayed Ali, Z. Interaction between alcohol and exercise: Physiological and haematological implications. Sports Medicine 2005; 35: 257-69. http://gateway.tx.ovid.com.webproxy.ouhsc.edu/sp-3.17.0a/ovidweb.cgi?&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;S=CABNFPDJOODDGMEJNCJKKHIBNNIEAA00&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;Link+Set=S.sh.22%7c2%7csl_10 (accessed 3 Nov 2015).</ref>. As a result of the alterations in metabolism, alcohol consumption has been shown to cause muscular atrophy and neurogenic damage&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Alcohol1" /&gt;. In addition to these physiological changes, alcohol consumption also impairs the host defence mechanism of the immune system. It does this by decreasing lymphocytic cell numbers in the blood and by impairing macrophage phagocytic processes&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Alcohol1" /&gt;. Lastly, alcohol consumption has been shown to damage the liver, resulting in possible cirrhosis. In turn, people with cirrhosis commonly have impaired exercise capacity and oxygen consumption&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Alcohol1" /&gt;. Many of the adverse effects of alcohol consumption can be lessened by participating in exercise, but alcohol use immediately prior to, during, or following a bout of exercise should be avoided. If a person does drink alcohol, the person should only drink during times of general relaxation and not near their normal times of exercise.
* Increased risk of arrhythmias
* [[Heart Failure|Heart failure]]
* Sudden cardiac death

Along with the implications listed above, the use of alcohol after exercise has shown to reduce the production of tesosterone in males. This, along with a decreased rate of protein synthesis and muscle adaptation, impairs muscle recovery. The amount of alcohol ingested and the point of time in relation to the exercise are both factors that impact the severity of the effects on recovery. Small doses, equal to or less than .5 g/kg BW, that are ingested after exercise are unlikely to impact testosterone production and muscle recovery. Amounts greater than that, i.e. 1 g/kg BW, are likely to impair recovery because the processes of glucagon repletion and rehydration are compromised.&nbsp;<ref>Barnes, M. (2014). Alcohol: Impact on Sports Performance and Recovery in Male Athletes. Sports Med Sports Medicine, 44, 909-919. doi:10.1007/s40279-014-0192-8</ref>
== Additional Reads ==
== Anabolic Steroids  ==
Anabolic steroids are drugs that have many neuropsychiatric effects in addition to the more commonly known effects they have on skeletal muscles. Anabolic steroids cause not only negative feelings like intense anger, but also some positive moods. Some of the negative feelings people have resulting from the use of anabolic steroids include irritability, mood swings, violent feelings, anger, and hostility.<ref>Su, T., Pagliaro, M., Schmidt, P., Pickar, D., Wolkowitz, O., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Rubinow, D. Neuropsychiatric effects of anabolic steroids in male normal volunteers. JAMA The Journal of the American Medical Association 1993;269:2760-4. http://ovidsp.tx.ovid.com.ezproxy.lib.ou.edu/sp-3.16.0b/ovidweb (accessed 22 Sept 2015).</ref> Among the positive feelings related to steroid use include euphoria, increased energy, and sexual arousal.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Su et al." /&gt; Steroids are also linked to other cognitive symptoms like distractibility, forgetfulness, and confusion.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Su et al." /&gt; All of these effects result from steroid use alone, without exercise. These impacts on mood could have either positive or negative effects on exercise, depending on feelings of the person exercising.
Steroids have not been shown to increase creatine concentrations in the muscle, red blood cell concentration, or serum liver enzyme concentrations as some have postulated.<ref>Bhasin S, Storer TW, Berman N, Callegari C, Clevenger B, Phillips J, et al. The Effects of Supraphysiologic Doses of Testosterone on Muscle Size and Strength in Normal Men.Abridged version: NEJM 1996;335:1–7.Full version: http://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/nejm199607043350101 (accessed 28 Oct 2015).</ref> In addition one study found that injection of 600 mg of testoterone in adult males who did not exercise, resulted in more fat free mass and a greater increase in strength than individuals who did incorporate resistance training but only took a placebo.<ref>Bhasin S, Storer TW, Berman N, Callegari C, Clevenger B, Phillips J, et al. The Effects of Supraphysiologic Doses of Testosterone on Muscle Size and Strength in Normal Men.Abridged version: NEJM 1996;335:1–7.Full version: http://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/nejm199607043350101 (accessed 28 Oct 2015).</ref> Some commonly reported side effects of steroid use, such as acne and breast tenderness resulted in some of the subjects as well, but most did not.<ref>Bhasin S, Storer TW, Berman N, Callegari C, Clevenger B, Phillips J, et al. The Effects of Supraphysiologic Doses of Testosterone on Muscle Size and Strength in Normal Men.Abridged version: NEJM 1996;335:1–7.Full version: http://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/nejm199607043350101 (accessed 28 Oct 2015).</ref> This would seem to indicate that individual physiological differences have a profound impact on how a person reacts to steroids.<br>
Most people relate anabolic steroids to high intense training done by elite athletes. However, the idea has also come about to combine this drug with therapy to help the older population rehabilitate following hip replacement surgery. Anabolic Steroids can boost muscle development and increase other factors that relate to range of motion and strength in athletes. Experts agree with the perception that this will correspond with the older population when it comes to recovering from hip surgery.<ref name="Anabolic steroids for rehabilitation after hip fracture in older people">Farooqi, V., Van Den Berg, M., Cameron, I., &amp;amp; Crotty, M., (2013).  Anabolic steroids for rehabilitation after hip fracture in older people. The Cochran Collaboration.</ref>&nbsp; Unfortunately, there has not been enough significant evidence found for this to be proven true. Researchers are interested in this concept, and will continue to look into how anabolic steroids can be used to help the older population recover following hip fracture surgery.&nbsp;
== Analgesic Medication  ==
Analgesic medication is a category of drug that is meant to cause the cessation of pain within an individual. Because of the effect that analgesic have on the body, these types of medication are more commonly referred to as painkillers. They can come in both prescription form and over the counter form, and are typically used by individuals who have experienced some type of injury or who suffer from painful diseases.
As with all medication, there are positives and negatives associated with usage of analgesic medications. One study set out to determine the effects of opioid usage on activities of daily living (ADL). The medication used in the study was the buprenorphine transdermal delivery system (BTSD), and this medication was evaluated for its effectiveness in helping patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) perform ADL’s. The results showed that those individuals with CLBP who wore the BTSD patch experienced a reduction in pain and a significant improvement in abilities to carry out ADL’s&nbsp;<ref>Miller K, Yarlas A, Wen W, Dain B, Lynch SY, Ripa SR, et al. The impact of buprenorphine transdermal delivery system on activities of daily living among patients with chronic low back pain: an application of the international classification of functioning, disability and health. Clin J Pain. 2014 Dec;30(12):1015-22.</ref>. The BTSD&nbsp;could benefit those who wish to implement a strengthening or stretching regime because it ultimately reduces pain and allows increased participation in ADL’s.<br>
&nbsp;Analgesic medications can also have a potential effect on an individual's pulmonary system. One study found that methadone used as an analgesic in a clinical setting resulted in significantly increased hypoxic ventilatory response compared with similar patients who did not receive&nbsp; methadone treatment <ref>Teichtahl H, Wang D, Cunnington D, Quinnell T, Tran H, Kronborg I, et al. Ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia in stable methadone maintenance treatment patients. CHEST;128:1339-1347. http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/data/Journals/CHEST/22030/1339.pdfVentilatory Response (accessed 3 November 2015).</ref>. Hypoxic ventilatory response occurs when a lack of oxygen results in the respiratory system increasing ventilation. The study concluded that respiratory rate was responsible for the change in the ventilation response because the subject's tidal volume did not increase <ref>Teichtahl H, Wang D, Cunnington D, Quinnell T, Tran H, Kronborg I, et al. Ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia in stable methadone maintenance treatment patients. CHEST;128:1339-1347. http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/data/Journals/CHEST/22030/1339.pdfVentilatory Response (accessed 3 November 2015).</ref>. Height, weight, age, and use of other medications were all taken into account in the study and there was still a significant difference in respiratory rate, but an exact cause of this increase could not be determined&nbsp;<ref>Teichtahl H, Wang D, Cunnington D, Quinnell T, Tran H, Kronborg I, et al. Ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia in stable methadone maintenance treatment patients. CHEST;128:1339-1347. http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/data/Journals/CHEST/22030/1339.pdfVentilatory Response (accessed 3 November 2015).</ref>.
Analgesic medications can have effects that are not immediately noticed. One analgesic drug in particular, morphine, has latent effects on ventilation. Researchers found that even though morphine may seem to have waned its effect on the blood stream, it can still linger and compromise the ventilatory processes<ref>May WJ, Henderson F, Gruber RB, Discala JF, Young AP, Bates JN, Palmer LA, Lewis SJ. Morphine has latent deleterious effects on the ventilatory responses to a hypoxic-hypercapnic challenge. Open Journal of Molecular and Integrative Physiology 2013;3:134-145</ref>. Specifically, even after the arterial blood-gas chemistry eventually reaches stability, morphine can inhibit minute ventilation and negatively alter ventilatory responses, especially in cases where oxygen or carbon dioxide levels change drastically&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="May" /&gt;. These effects can be devastating for a patient undergoing a rigorous exercise regimen and at potential risk for either hypoxia or hypercapnia.
Athletes often take analgesic drugs to relieve soreness after exercise. A couple common analgesic drugs that can be found over-the-counter and are taken post-exercise are ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Although these drugs have been suggested to relieve muscle soreness after exercise, they may have negative physiological effects as well. Typically, after exercise, muscle protein synthesis increases, leading to hypertrophy of the involved muscles. In a study done by Trappe, White, Lambert, Cesar, Hellerstein, and Evans (2002), subjects who had consumed ibuprofen and acetaminophen post-exercise actually experienced weakened protein synthesis. These results suggest that long-term use of analgesic medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen may actually decrease the typical hypertrophy that follows eccentric training<ref>Trappe T, White F, Lambert C, Cesar D, Hellerstein M, Evans W. Effect of ibuprofen and acetaminophen on postexercise muscle protein synthesis. American Journal of Physiology 2002;282:551-6. http://ajpendo.physiology.org/content/282/3/e551.short (accessed 10 November 2015).</ref>.&nbsp;Therefore, if an athlete is trying to build muscle, they may not benefit from taking analgesic drugs often.<br><br>Another important and less well-known physiological effect of analgesic medication on the body is that on the kidneys. Farquhar, Morgan, Zambraski, and Kenney (1999) suggested that it is safer to consume acetaminophen than ibuprofen because it has less severe renal effects. In individuals who had recently exercised, ibuprofen was more likely to decline renal function<ref>Farquhar W, Morgan A, Zambraski E, Kenney W. Effects of acetaminophen and ibuprofen on renal function in the stressed kidney. Journal of Applied Physiology 1999;86:598-604. http://jap.physiology.org/content/86/2/598.short (accessed 10 November 2015).</ref>. These findings suggest that it may not be safe to consume certain analgesic drugs during exercise in order to maintain the function of the kidneys so that an individual may avoid dehydration during exercise.<br>
== Caffeine/Stimulants  ==
Caffeine is the most widely used stimulant in the world. This is because caffeine consumption is completely legal, socially acceptable, and is consumed daily by a large majority of the world population. Daily morning staples, such as coffee and tea, as well as soda pop and energy drinks contain caffeine. Much research has been conducted to determine how caffeine consumption effects one’s body systems and processes during exercise. Many studies support the findings that caffeine enhances both physical and cognitive performances. Physically, caffeine specifically improves aerobic performance—<ref>Duncan, M. J., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Hankey, J. (2013). The effect of a caffeinated energy drink on various psychological measures during submaximal cycling. Physiology &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Behavior, 116, 60-65.</ref> extending the time that an activity can be sustained prior to fatigue. Mixed results exist as to whether caffeine significantly improves performance in resistance training.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Duncan" /&gt; Several mechanisms work on different systems of the body to produce the overall enhancement of exercise performance that caffeine causes.<br>
A neuromuscular mechanism that aides in causing caffeine’s ergogenic effects is its influence on the ryanodine receptors in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscles.<ref>Tarnopolsky, M. (1994). Caffeine and Endurance Performance. Sports medicine, 18(2), 109-125. doi: 10.2165/00007256-199418020-00004</ref> The function of these receptors is to open to allow Ca<sup>2+</sup> to flow out of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Ca<sup>2+</sup> facilitates the contraction of muscle fibers. Ca<sup>2+</sup> binds to troponin, which moves tropomyosin aside so that myosin can bind to the actin myofilaments and muscle contraction can occur. Therefore, the effect that caffeine has on this system is to make Ca<sup>2+</sup> more readily available, which allows for stronger contractions of muscles than is typical at a given level of stimulation.
Caffeine has also been shown to enhance exercise performance by reducing pain thresholds.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Tarnopolsky" /&gt;&nbsp;Many studies have looked at caffeine's effect on the aspect of fatigue during a muscle contraction and attributed the increase force maintenance to decreaced pain perception.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Tarnopolsky" /&gt;&nbsp;One study found that plasma&nbsp;b-endorphin levels almost doubled after two hours of cycling with caffeine consumption, while the control group had no increase.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Tarnopolsky" /&gt;&nbsp;Therefore, caffeine's effect to lower pain perception is beneficial to endurance exercise performance.&nbsp;
Caffeine also acts on the nervous system. Specifically, it affects normal neurotransmitter release, increasing both the amount of noradrenaline (NA) and dopamine (DA) released in the brain during exercise.<ref>Zheng, X., Takatsu, S., Wang, H., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Hasegawa, H. (2014). Acute intraperitoneal injection of caffeine improves endurance exercise performance in association with increasing brain dopamine release during exercise. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 122, 136-143.</ref> Dopamine has widespread functions, but a few of these include influences on motivation, cognition, reward, motor control, and mood.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Zheng" /&gt; Many studies have shown that an increase in DA release results in enhanced endurance.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Zheng" /&gt; One such study showed that muscle pain perception and perceived exertion was much lower in a group that received caffeine prior to resistance training, as opposed to when those same subjects were administered a placebo on a separate date.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Duncan" /&gt; When the individuals ingested the caffeine, they performed significantly more repetitions before failure than when they were given the placebo.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Duncan" /&gt;<br>
Although research supports the ergogenic effects of caffeine on endurance, it has been less conclusive as to whether caffeine has the same type of effects on resistance training. Data from several studies supports an increase in resistance training performance following caffeine ingestion; however, researchers have been unable to isolate the exact physiological mechanism responsible for this. Therefore, the increased performance could potentially be due only to the decreased pain &amp; exertion perception of the subject [as previously explained].&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Duncan" /&gt;<br>
One other substantial mechanism by which caffeine positively effects athletic performance is by increasing the rate that lipolysis occurs.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Tarnopolsky" /&gt;&nbsp;Lipolysis is the process human bodies use to break apart fats and produce ATP (our primary usable form of energy) to fuel our body. Each triglyceride (fat molecule) that is broken down produces approximately 300-400 ATP (depending on how many carbons form the specific fat being used). The increase in fats being used to produce energy results in a decrease in carbohydrates used for that same purpose. This greatly increases efficiency because carbohydrate molecules produce far fewer ATP than triglycerides.<br>
There are many factors in the methods of caffeine studies that cause confounded results. One factor that must be considered is the dose of caffeine administered. The many studies use different doses when investigating the effects that caffeine has on exercise. Researchers use doses of anywhere from 2-8 mg/kg, but the methods of most studies call for doses of 5-6 mg/kg.<ref>Shearer, J., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Graham, T. E. (2014). Performance effects and metabolic consequences of caffeine and caffeinated energy drink consumption on glucose disposal. Nutrition Reviews, 72(suppl 1), 121-136. doi: 10.1111/nure.12124</ref>&nbsp;Dose<span style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt; line-height: 1.3; text-indent: 36pt;">s of 2-5 mg/kg improve athletic performance by approximately 3%, whereas doses of 5-7mg/kg improve performance by approximately 7%.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Shearer" /&gt;&nbsp;Other factors include the form of caffeine used, other ingredients in the caffeine source and their possible physiological effects, diet, time and intensity of exercise tested, and length of time prior to exercise that the caffeine is administered.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Shearer" /&gt;&nbsp;These variables, in addition to many others, increase the complexity of research of caffeine and exercise performance.</span><br>
<span style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt; line-height: 1.3;">The adverse effects of caffeine consumption in athletes who use it conservatively are minimal, if at all present. However, if the consumer is sedentary, or if the caffeine intake exceeds 7mg/kg, many negative side effects occur. In a sedentary person, caffeine interferes with the role of insulin, and therefore, also effects the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Shearer" /&gt;&nbsp;Most sources of caffeine are also high in glucose, which is a combination that leads to a decline in glucose disposal. Therefore, in the sedentary person, decreased glucose disposal often leads to obesity, which can cause many diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. If caffeine intake exceeds 7mg/kg (even in the active individual), side effects such as nausea, jitters, headaches, and tachycardia present themselves. Additionally, these large doses do not improve athletic performance any more than the 7% improvement caused by doses of 5-7 mg/kg.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Shearer" /&gt;</span>
Another negative side effect that can occur from caffeine intake is its effect on Polycystic Kidney Disease. Polycystic Kidney Disease is the most common kidney disease in adults. It is an inherited disease that currently has no cure. Cysts are formed in the kidneys and grow in number and size overtime. The disease can lead to many more health problems and eventually kidney failure.<ref>PKD Foundation. (2015). Learn about ADPKD. Retrieved from http://www.pkdcure.org/learn/adpkd/just-diagnosed-questions</ref>&nbsp;There has been suggestive research that caffeine plays a role in PKD. A nucleotide known as cAMP stimulates the growth of cysts and the secretion of cyst fluid. One study showed that caffeine promotes the accumulation of cAMP in the kindeys, which leads to an increase in the size and number of cysts. The study noted that caffeine has this effect on the kidneys in only those who have PKD. If a person has PKD, they should avoid drinks such as coffee, tea, soda, or pre-workout drinks that contain a high amount of caffeine. <ref>Belibi, F. A., Wallace, D. P., Yamaguchi, T., Christensen, M., Reif, G., and Grantham, J. J. (2002). The effect of caffeine on renal epithelial cells from patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 13, 2723-2729.</ref>&nbsp;Water could work as a substitute and also gatorade after a workout to replenish their electrolytes.&nbsp;&nbsp;
== Creatine  ==
There are many benefits associated with the use of creatine such as increased strength, increased lean body mass, and enhanced fatigue resistance which is crucial to the elderly population.&nbsp;<ref>Rawson E, Venezia A. Use of Creatine in the elderly and evidence for effects on cognitive function in young and old. Amino Acids 2011;40:1349-62.</ref>&nbsp;Creatine supplementation plus resistance training translates into a larger increase in bone mineral density, muscle strength, and lean tissue mass than just resistance training alone.&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Rawson" /&gt;It has been shown that with higher brain creatine, there comes with an improved neuropsychological performance.&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Rawson" /&gt;&nbsp;Many athletes utilize creatine for body building and for the use of working out as well. It's become a more frequently used supplement by many people around the world. For older adults, the use of creatine can improve their quality of life and may reduce the disease burden on their cognitive dysfunction. Creatine is a safe and cheap supplement that has both central and peripheral effects for adults.&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Rawson" /&gt;
Creatine supplementation has been associated with increased water retention and consuming 20 grams for as little as six days significantly reduces urine output when controlling for other factors <ref>Francaux, M, Poortmans, J. Side effects of creatine supplementation in athletes. IJSPP 2006; 1: 311-323. Full Version: https://www.researchgate.net/publications/23759931 Side effects of creatine supplementation in athletes (accessed 28 Oct 2015)</ref>.&nbsp;Creatine supplementation also results in a small but significant increase in IGF-I and IGF-II growth factors which are associated with human growth hormone&nbsp;<ref>Francaux, M, Poortmans, J. Side effects of creatine supplementation in athletes. IJSPP 2006; 1: 311-323. Full Version: https://www.researchgate.net/publications/23759931 Side effects of creatine supplementation in athletes (accessed 28 Oct 2015)</ref>. After prolonged bed rest, creatine supplementation results in a faster recovery of both muscle cross sectional area and maximul power ouput when compared with a placebo alone <ref>Francaux, M, Poortmans, J. Side effects of creatine supplementation in athletes. IJSPP 2006; 1: 311-323. Full Version: https://www.researchgate.net/publications/23759931 Side effects of creatine supplementation in athletes (accessed 28 Oct 2015)</ref>. Reports that creatine supplementation results in increased incidences of cramping are not supported by current research <ref>Francaux, M, Poortmans, J. Side effects of creatine supplementation in athletes. IJSPP 2006; 1: 311-323. Full Version: https://www.researchgate.net/publications/23759931 Side effects of creatine supplementation in athletes (accessed 28 Oct 2015)</ref>.<br>
Although creatine has been shown to have many benefits associated with exercising, it also has some side effects. One major side effect is its effect on the kidneys. The research regarding this topic is inconclusive because many studies show different results of creatine and its effect on the kidneys. In one study, a prolonged creatine supplementation of 12 weeks did not have any adverse effects on the kidneys. The subjects were taking part in a resistance training program and consuming a high-protein diet, like most athletes. <ref>Lugaresi, R., Leme, M., Painelli, V., Murai, I., Roshcel, H.Sapienza, M. T., et al. (2013). Does long-term creatine supplementation impair kidney function in resistance-trained individuals consuming a high-protein diet? Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 10 (26), 1-6.</ref>This study supports the use of creatine;however, in a case study on an 18 year old male, creatine did have adverse effects on the kidneys. The subject was taking the recommended amount of creatine (20g/day for 5 days (loading phase) and 1g/day for 6 weeks (maintenance phase)) and still experienced acute kidney failure. The subject was hospitalized and stopped the consumption of creatine and after 12 days his health returned to normal.&nbsp;<ref>Taner, B., Aysim, O., and Abdulkadir, U. (2010). The effects of the recommended dose of creatine monohydrate on kidney function.NDT Plus 4, 23-24.</ref>&nbsp;Since research is inconclusive on whether creatine causes adverse effects on the kidneys, individuals should be aware that kindey damage is a possibility while consuming creatine.&nbsp;<br>
== Human Growth Hormone (HGH)&lt;img src="/images/thumb/9/98/Depositphotos_11797463-Human-growth-hormone-structure.jpg/450px-Depositphotos_11797463-Human-growth-hormone-structure.jpg" _fck_mw_filename="Depositphotos 11797463-Human-growth-hormone-structure.jpg" _fck_mw_location="right" _fck_mw_width="450" _fck_mw_height="450" alt="" class="fck_mw_right" /&gt;  ==
Human growth hormone (HGH), also known as somatotropin, is peptide hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland <ref>Hoffman, J.R., Kraemer, W. J., Bhasin, S., Storer, T., Ratamess, N. A., Haff, G. G., Willoughby, D. S. &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Rogol, A. D. (2009). Position stand on androgen and human growth hormone use. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(5), S1-S59. Doi: 10. 1519/JSC. 0b013e31819df2e6</ref>. HGH is an anabolic hormone that builds and repairs tissue, such as collagen and muscle tissue, throughout the body<ref>Hoffman, J.R., Kraemer, W. J., Bhasin, S., Storer, T., Ratamess, N. A., Haff, G. G., Willoughby, D. S. &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Rogol, A. D. (2009). Position stand on androgen and human growth hormone use. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(5), S1-S59. Doi: 10. 1519/JSC. 0b013e31819df2e6</ref>. HGH release is stimulated from the release of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH), which is released as a result of exercise<ref>Kraemer, W. J., Dunn-Lewis, C., Comstock, B. A., Thomas, G. A., Clark, J. E., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Nindl, B. C. (2010). Growth hormone, exercise, and athletic performance: A continued evolution of complexity. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 9(4), 242. doi:10.1249/JSR.0b013e3181e976df</ref>.&nbsp;HGH promotes the release of IGF-1, which promotes anabolic effects within the body<ref>Kraemer, W. J., Dunn-Lewis, C., Comstock, B. A., Thomas, G. A., Clark, J. E. &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;  Nindl, B. C. (2010). Growth hormone, exercise, and athletic performance: A continued evolution of complexity. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 9(4), 242-252. Doi: 10. 1249/JSR. 0b013e3181e976df</ref>. HGH is an important component of metabolism by increasing lean body mass and promoting lipolysis<ref>Hoffman, J.R., Kraemer, W. J., Bhasin, S., Storer, T., Ratamess, N. A., Haff, G. G., Willoughby, D. S. &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Rogol, A. D. (2009). Position stand on androgen and human growth hormone use. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(5), S1-S59. Doi: 10. 1519/JSC. 0b013e31819df2e6</ref>. Growth Hormone also increases synthesis of muscle protein via amino acid transport and amino acid availibility. It also helps facilitate body's response to exercise, however it's effects are not restricted to protein alone<ref>Kraemer, W. J., Dunn-Lewis, C., Comstock, B. A., Thomas, G. A., Clark, J. E., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Nindl, B. C. (2010). Growth hormone, exercise, and athletic performance: A continued evolution of complexity. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 9(4), 242. doi:10.1249/JSR.0b013e3181e976df</ref>.&nbsp;HGH is only released periodically, such as during certain stages of sleep, certain parts of the day, and with exercise<ref>Kraemer, W. J., Dunn-Lewis, C., Comstock, B. A., Thomas, G. A., Clark, J. E. &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;  Nindl, B. C. (2010). Growth hormone, exercise, and athletic performance: A continued evolution of complexity. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 9(4), 242-252. Doi: 10. 1249/JSR. 0b013e3181e976df</ref>. It has been shown that the menstrual cycle and oral contraceptive use have a significant impact on growth hormone levels <ref>Sunderland, C., Tunaley, V., Horner, F., Harmer, D., Stokes, K. A. (2011). Menstrual cycle and oral contraceptives’ effects on growth hormone response to sprinting. Journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 36(4), 495-502.</ref>&nbsp;. The periodic release of HGH combined with its positive anabolic and metabolic effects on the body has lead to supplementation of HGH to improve exercise performance.
HGH injections and supplements are widely abused by athletes to enhance performance. Nevertheless, there is not enough definititive evidence that HGH improves performance<ref>Saugy, M., Robinson, N., Saudan, C., Baume, N., Avois, L., Mahgin, P. (2006). Human growth hormone doping in sport. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 40, 135-139.</ref>.&nbsp;One study&nbsp;investigated the impact growth hormones have on body composition and measurable performance in recreational athletes. The authors argued that growth hormone injections increase athletic exercise performance when given alone or with testosterone. In addition, participants that received growth hormones retained more body fluid and frequent joint pain than control group <ref>Meinhardt, U., Nelson, A. E., Hansen, J. L., Birzniece, V., Clifford, D., Leung, K., . . . Ho, K. K. fckLR(2010). The effects of growth hormone on body composition and performance in recreational athletes. Annals of Internal Medicine, 152, 568-577.</ref>&nbsp;HGH injections are not only used for athletes, but for the older population as well. Another study analyzed the impact of recombinant human growth hormones and testosterone injections on aerobic and anaerobic fitness, body mass, and lipid profile in adult men. The data demonstrates that recombinant human growth hormones and testosterone injections significantly increased aerobic and anaerobic capacity, led to changes in body compositions, and decreased total body fat and increased free-fat muscle<ref>Zajac, A., Wilk, M., Socha, T., Maszczyk, A., and Chycki, J. (2014). Effects of growth hormone and fckLRtestosterone therapy on aerobic and anaerobic fitness, body composition and lipoprotein profile in middle-aged men. Annal of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 21(1), 156-160.</ref>. Another study reviewed the effect of HGH injections in the elderly population. As people age, the decreased production of HGH leads to increased adipose tissue, decreased lean-body mass, and thinning of the skin. This study determined the effectiveness of HGH injections for a period of one year in males aged 61-81 years old. The results showed a decrease in adipose tissue, an increase in lean-body mass, reduced thinning of the skin, and also an increase in bone density in the lumbar vertebrae. The study noted that the subjects experienced no negative health effects while taking the HGH injections.&nbsp;<ref>Rudman, D. Feller, A.G., Nagraj H.S., Gergans G. A., Lalitha, P. Y., Goldberg, A. F., et al.(1990) Effects of human growth hormone in men over 60 years old. The New England Journal of Medicine, 323(1), 1-6.</ref>
Liu et al. (2008) conducted a systematic review to explore the effects of growth hormone on athletic performance. The aggregated results revealed that lean body mass increased and basal metabolic rate was higher after HGH supplementation<ref>Liu, H., Bravata, D. M., Olkin, I., Friedlander, A., Liu, V., Roberts, B., …Hoffman, A. R. (2008). Systematic review: The effects of growth hormone on athletic performance. Annals of Internal Medicine, 148(10), 747-758. doi: 10. 7326/0003-4819-148-10-200805200-00215</ref>. The results of the study shows why athletes look to HGH as a means to improving body composition. The increase in lean body mass can often lead to an increase in metabolism due to the body needing to build and repair the additional lean body mass. The study did not find any significant results in muscular strength or improvement in aerobic exercise<ref>Liu, H., Bravata, D. M., Olkin, I., Friedlander, A., Liu, V., Roberts, B., …Hoffman, A. R. (2008). Systematic review: The effects of growth hormone on athletic performance. Annals of Internal Medicine, 148(10), 747-758. doi: 10. 7326/0003-4819-148-10-200805200-00215</ref>.
There are serveral side effects seen when supplementing HGH. According to findings in the systematic review by Liu et al. (2008) these side effects include sweating, joint pain, swelling, and possibly carpal tunnel syndrome<ref>Liu, H., Bravata, D. M., Olkin, I., Friedlander, A., Liu, V., Roberts, B., …Hoffman, A. R. (2008). Systematic review: The effects of growth hormone on athletic performance. Annals of Internal Medicine, 148(10), 747-758. doi: 10. 7326/0003-4819-148-10-200805200-00215</ref>. Other side effects of concern include risk of diabetes in elderly populations because of the elevation of glucose in the blood it causes<ref>Kraemer, W. J., Dunn-Lewis, C., Comstock, B. A., Thomas, G. A., Clark, J. E., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Nindl, B. C. (2010). Growth hormone, exercise, and athletic performance: A continued evolution of complexity. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 9(4), 242. doi:10.1249/JSR.0b013e3181e976df</ref>. Long term saftey of HGH supplemetation is still under investigation, but preliminary studies on mice show that there is not an increased risk to survival, longevity, or tumor development, but it is unknown if these findings will transfer to humans<ref>Kraemer, W. J., Dunn-Lewis, C., Comstock, B. A., Thomas, G. A., Clark, J. E., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Nindl, B. C. (2010). Growth hormone, exercise, and athletic performance: A continued evolution of complexity. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 9(4), 242. doi:10.1249/JSR.0b013e3181e976df</ref>. High doses of HGH supplemetation can cause functionally weaker muscles depsite increases in hypertophy. Consistantly high levels of GH may also result in hypertension, cardiac, and metabolic complications<ref>Birzniece, V., Nelson, A. E., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Ho, K. K. Y. (2011). Growth hormone and physical performance. Trends in Endocrinology &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Metabolism, 22(5), 171-178. doi:10.1016/j.tem.2011.02.005</ref>. Abuse of Growth Hormone can cause significant health risks when taken with other drugs<ref>Birzniece, V., Nelson, A. E., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Ho, K. K. Y. (2011). Growth hormone and physical performance. Trends in Endocrinology &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Metabolism, 22(5), 171-178. doi:10.1016/j.tem.2011.02.005</ref>. Unfortunately, the extent of these health risks are unknown because of ethical delemas in doing studies on drug abuse. Despite these negative side effects, HGH is still one of the most commonly abused drugs especially among athletes and atheltic populations. &nbsp;&nbsp;
== Marijuana  ==
Marijuana use affects various physiologic processes through its most active substance, tetrahydrocannabinol, otherwise known as THC. Marijuana use has a direct effect on the central nervous system because it contains the receptor sites for THC<ref>Pesta, D. H., Angadi, S. S., Burtscher, M., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Roberts, C. K. (2013). The effects of caffeine, nicotine, ethanol, and tetrahydrocannabinol on exercise performance. Nutrition &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Metabolism 2013;10:71. http://www.nutritionandmetabolism.com/content/10/1/71 (accessed 4 Oct 2015).</ref>. Although marijuana does possess some ergogenic effects in certain situations, it impacts the body oppositely during exercise. The drug has a sedative effect during exercise, resulting in decreased exercise and psychomotor performance like slower reaction time&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Pesta et al." /&gt;. In terms of the cardiovascular system, marijuana has been shown to increase heart rate and blood pressure while decreasing overall cardiac output&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Pesta et al." /&gt;. This is important for clinicians to consider when treating patients who use marijuana, as it is an ergolytic drug when used in combination with exercise that will negatively affect the patient’s exercise performance and overall health.
Tetrahydrocannabinol is the primary constituent of marijuana that binds to G-Protein-Coupled CB1 receptors which are found throughout the brain in the frontal and medial temporal lobe.<ref>Gevins A, Ilan A, Smith M. Effects of marijuana on neurophysiological signals of working and episodic memory. Psychopharmacology 2004;176:214-22</ref>&nbsp;Marijuana is one of the most frequently used drugs among young adults. Marijuana induces tachycardia which can decrease the maximal work capacity after smoking this drug.&nbsp;<ref>Cormier Y, Renaud A. Acute effects of marijuana smoking on maximal exercise performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 1986;18:685-689</ref>&nbsp;Marijuana creates an increase in carboxyhemoglobin concentration of blood due to large amount of carbon monoxide created from the smoking of this drug.&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Cormier and Renaud" /&gt;&nbsp;Some other factors that could affect the maximal work capacity after smoking marijuana are bronchodilation, decrease in perception of dyspnea, and increase blood flow to exercising muscles.&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Cormier and Renaud" /&gt;&nbsp;The utilization of marijuana with exercise has a negative correlation that affects their overall health greatly.&nbsp;
Marijuana use has both acute and prolongued effects on the cardiovascular system, drastically altering the normal functioning of the entire system. The initial intake of THC increases heart rate, causes hypertension during sitting, and hypotension whilst standing&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Jones" /&gt;. In addition, there are potential risks of orthostatic hypotention and dizziness that can come with frequent marijuana use<ref>Jones RT. Cardiovascular system effects of marijuana. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2002;42:58S-63S</ref>. Concerns over the decrease in blood pressure and quick loss of mental orientation should be brought to the attention of physical therapists during evaluation and treatment of patients using recreational marijuana. The influence of marijuana would affect how a patient responds to stardard examinations and exercise during treatment. Prolongued effects of frequent marijuana use could have more adverse effects as tolerance level is increased including alterations to the plasma volume&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Jones" /&gt;.
Marijuana also has its effects on the pulmonary system. Specifically, research has shown there to be a high association between marijuana use and certain respiratory issues, such as coughing and wheezing<ref>Tetrault JM, Crothers K, Moore BA, Mehra R, Concato J, Fiellin DA. Effects of marijuana smoking on pulmonary function and respiratory complications: A systematic review. Archives of Internal Medicine 2007;167:221-8</ref>. In addition, the drug causes inflammation, bronchodilation, and diffusion impairment&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Tetrault et al" /&gt;. These conditions would have a negative impact on a person's ability to adhere to a rigorous exercise routine. Diffusion impairment would especially affect the amount of oxygen successfully entering the alveoli of the lungs, decreasing the amount of oxygen available for use during stenuous activity. Therefore, physical therapists should take extra precautions and plan exercise treatment accordingly as to prevent overexertion and fatigue.<br>
== Methamphetamine  ==
Amphetamines are a group of drugs with mind-altering capabilites. Methamphetamines are the most potent of the amphetamine group of drugs.&nbsp;<ref>McAvoy, B. Methamphetamine -- what primary care practitioners need to know. J Primary Health Care. 2009;1(3): 170-176.</ref>&nbsp;Methamphetamine falls under the classification of a stimulant. Typically, stimulants will increases and individuals sensations such as mental awareness while also increasing one's ability to respond to the environment<ref>National Institute on Drug Abuse. Prescription drug abuse. United States: NIH, 2014.</ref>. Users of stimulants may also find an increase in energy levels. The effects that users feel while on methamphetamine (METH) causes this drug to be highly addictive. The physiological effect of METH is achieved by increasing the quantitiy and release of stimulatory neurotransmitters dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin and decreasing their synaptic breakdown.&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="McAvoy" /&gt;&nbsp;<br>
A primary clinical consideration for methamphetamine is its use with other medications. Acute use of METH with other stimulants can overstimulate the sympathetic nervous system, potenitally resulting in cardiac arrythmia, seizures, cardiovascular collapse, and death.&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="McAvoy" /&gt;&nbsp;Therefore, physical therapists should take special consideration when prescribing exercise to patients who present with signs suggestive of use. Characteristic presentation of METH use includes restlessness, weight loss, heightened alertness, violent behavior, and pupillary dilation.&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="McAvoy" /&gt;&nbsp;<br>
An acute response to METH use is hyperthermia.&nbsp;<ref>Matsumoto R, Seminerio M, Turner R, Robson M, Nguyen L, Miller D, O'Callaghan J. Methamphetamine-induced toxicity: an updated review on issues related to hyperthermia. Pharmacology &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Therapeutics; 144: 28-40.</ref>&nbsp;Although the exact mechanism though which this is achieved is unknown, literature suggests that methamphetamine-induced hyperthermia results from heat generation as well as an inhibition in heat loss.&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Matsumoto" /&gt;&nbsp;One study conducted in 2009 aimed to explore the effects of brain hyperthermia brought on by METH. The reaserachers of this study injected rodents with differing amounts of METH, and then proceeded to measure how dosages and enviromental factors impacted brain hyperthermia <ref>Kiyatkin EA, Sharma HS. Acute methamphetamine intoxication: Brain hyperthermia, blood-brain barrier and brain edema. International Review of Neurobiology 2009; 88: 65–100.</ref>. METH, especially in large doses, influences the metabolic activity of the brain due to oxidative stress which is what occurs when the body is unable to rid itself of free radicals at a rate to maintain a homeostatic balance&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Kiy" /&gt;. Temperatures inside of the brain also increase due to "enhanced release of meluiple neuroactive substance, lipid peroxidation.... and numerous changes combined as oxidative stress" &lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Kiy" /&gt;. Increases in the metabolic brain activation paried with internal head production by the brain cells seem to be the driving force behind brain hyperthermia&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Kiy" /&gt;.&nbsp;Ingesting METH at increased tempertures or during social gatherings when an individual is more likely to be active such as with exercise only exacerbates this increase in core body temperture. Even slight increases in cell tempertures can cause denaturation, which can then lead to impaired cell function or ultimately death of the cell.
Thus, combining therapeutic exercise when an individual is experiencing methamphetamine-induced hyperthermia could result in serious harm. The current practice for cooling methamphetamine-induced hyperthermia is placing the individual in a cool environment to try to bring that person back into a homeostatic balance&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Matsumoto" /&gt;.<br>
Chronic METH use results in a range of physiologic disturbances. An adaptation with the greatest relevance to physical therapists is the presence of congestive heart failure in chronic users.&nbsp;<ref>Wijetunga M, Seto T, Lindsay J, Schatz I. Crystal methamphetamine-associated cardiomyopathy: tip of the iceberg? J Toxicology; 41: 981-986</ref>&nbsp;Impaired oxygen delivery to tissues would result in an inability to safely engage in treatment on the part of the patient.&nbsp;Moreover, attempting to engage in such an activtiy could result in cardiogenic shock. If the practitioner engages the patient in these activities without knowing about METH use, the outcome could be fatal.&nbsp;Another clinical implication is that chronic METH use can break down the blood-brain barrier (BBB) over time, and it has been shown that increased permeability in the BBB can lead to damage of myelin &lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Kiy" /&gt;. Without myelin, the nervous system is unable to communicate effectively to different systems, including muscular, which could have an impact on exercise prescriptions and individual expectations.
== Muscle Relaxants  ==
Muscle relaxers are a class of drug that effectively decreases skeletal muscle function which in turn produces a tranquilizing effect. Botulinum toxin type-A (BoNT-A) is one type of muscle relaxer that could be commonly seen within a rehabilitation type setting. Research has shown that BoNT-A injections can produce positive outcomes when it comes to controlling spasticity and muscle tone. When considering the effects of exercise and BoNT-A, children who have cerebral palsy (CP) are a good target population to consider given the spasticity that often accompanies the disease. Research has shown that children who receive BoNT-A injections and strength training programs show both an increase in muscle volume as well as a rise in strength <ref>Williams SA, Elliott C, Valentine J, Gubbay A, Shipman P, Reid S. Combining strength training and botulinum neurotoxin intervention in children with cerebral palsy: The impact on muscle morphology and strength. Disability and rehabilitation. 2013 Apr;35(7):596-605.</ref>. The timing of the injections in relation to strength training did not seem to be a factor in strength improvement, and overall children with CP who received this injection had positive outcomes in their functional ability &lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="CP" /&gt;. This is clinically significant because therapists will be able to increase strength in areas that may be contracted with the assistance of BoNT-A injections.
Another Study looked at the effects of BoNT-A injections for treating spasticity in individuals who had suffered a stroke. As one could imagine, spasticity in the lower extremities can have detrimental effects on an individual’s ability to walk, and this can directly influence their ability to ambulate and gain back independence in life. Many individuals who have been affected by a stroke will have BoNT-A injections to reduce spasticity, but do not include therapeutic activities to either increase strength or function&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Gait" /&gt;. The results of this study show that those who receive BoNT-A injections and a self-rehabilitation program improve their maximal gait speed, distance covered and max speed during 6MWT-modifeid (6 minute walk test), and time taken to go up or down a flight of stairs in comparison to those who only receive the injections<ref>Roche N, Zory R, Sauthier A, Bonnyaud C, Pradon D, Bensmail D. Effect of rehabilitation and botulinum toxin injection on gait in chronic stroke patients: A randomized controlled study. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. 2015 Jan;47(1):31-7.</ref>. This research shows that a home stretching and strengthening program can help prevent muscle wasting, and can also improve gait patterns which will then increase an individual's ability to move around independently.<br>
== Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)  ==
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), including acetaminophen (asprin) and ibuprophen, simply put, reduce inflammation and pain. NSAIDs are widely and commonly used, which is why researchers are continuously studying the risks and benefits of their effects on the human body.&nbsp;
NSAIDs work by inhibiting the activity of an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (COX), which is crucial in the formation of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins play a role in the generation of pain and in the inflammatory response, however they also have roles in many other bodily functions<ref>Ricciotti, E., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; FitzGerald, G. A. (2011). Prostaglandins and Inflammation. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 31(5), 986–1000. doi:10.1161/ATVBAHA.110.207449</ref>. When NSAID’s inhibit prostaglandin synthesis they can reduce pain and inflammation, but they can also hamper gastrointestinal functions and post-exercise protein synthesis, as well as cause a number of other positive and negative side effects<ref>Warden, S. (2010). Prophylactic Use of NSAIDs by Athletes: A Risk/Benefit Assessment. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 38(1), 132-138.</ref>.
Interestingly, evidence shows that certain side effects are age dependent<ref>Trappe, T. A., Standley, R. A., Jemiolo, B., Carroll, C. C., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Trappe, S. W.Prostaglandin and myokine involvement in the cyclooxygenase-inhibiting drug enhancement of skeletal muscle adaptations to resistance exercise in older adults. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 304;198 -205</ref><ref>Trappe, T. A., Carroll, C. C., Dickinson, J. M., LeMoine, J. K., Haus, J. M.,... &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Hollon, C. J. (2011)Influence of acetaminophen and ibuprofen on skeletal muscle adaptations to resistance exercise in older adults. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology (300)3, 655-662.</ref>. Some recent studies have found that older adults (&gt; 60- &lt; 85 years old) who intake NSAIDs daily actually have greater gains in muslce strength and hypertrophy after resistance training compared to those who do no not consume NSAIDs daily<ref>Trappe, T. A., Standley, R. A., Jemiolo, B., Carroll, C. C., &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Trappe, S. W. (2013) Prostaglandin and myokine involvement in the cyclooxygenase-inhibiting drug enhancement of skeletal muscle adaptations to resistance exercise in older adults. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology (3)304. 198 -205.</ref><ref>Trappe, T. A., Carroll, C. C., Dickinson, J. M., LeMoine, J. K., Haus, J. M.,... &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; Hollon, C. J. (2011)Influence of acetaminophen and ibuprofen on skeletal muscle adaptations to resistance exercise in older adults. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology (300)3, 655-662.</ref>.
The use of NSAIDs by high-performance athletes has been reported in a number of studies <ref>Alaranta, A., Alaranta, H., Helenius, I. (2011). Use of prescription drugs in athletes. Sports Medicine, 38(6), 449-463.</ref>.&nbsp;One study&nbsp;investigated the impact of ibuprofen on the time until fatigue in runners with muscle damage induced by exercise<ref>Da Silva, E., Pinto, R. S., Cadore, E. L., and Kruel, L. F. (2015). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and endurance during running in male long-distance runners. Journal of Athletic Training, 50(3), 295-302.</ref> . The authors found that ibuprofen did not reduce the impact of muscle damage and pain on aerobic performance. In addition, precautionary use of ibuprofen did not have an ergogenic effect on running performance.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
== Smoking<br>  ==
Aerobic exercise challenges the body's ability to supply and handle oxygen. For example, when performing high-intensity aerobic exercise, mitochondrial reactice oxygen species' (ROS) grow in number.&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 1.5em;">ROS, is left unchecked, have have the ability to cause genetic mutations.&nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 1.5em;">However, several enzymes -- including superoxide dismutase -- are present to handle this oxidatve stress caused by ROS.The body responds to chronic aerobic exercise by enhancing its ability to cope with ROS.</span><span style="line-height: 1.5em;">&nbsp;</span><ref>Vollaard, NB, Shearman, JP, Cooper, CE Exercise-induced oxidative stress. Sports Med 2005; 35: 1045-1062</ref><span style="line-height: 1.5em;">&nbsp;</span>
<span style="line-height: 1.5em;">Smoking also induces an oxidative stress; however, smoking-induced oxidative stress also inhibits the body's abiltiy to cope by suppressing the genes responsible for antioxidant production.&nbsp;<ref>Garbin U, Pasini AF, Stranieri C, Cominacini M, Pasini A, Manfro S, et al. Cigarette smoking blocks the protective expression of Nrf2/ARE pathway in peripheral mononuclear cells of young heavy smokers favouring inflammation. PLoS ONE 2009; 4: 1-12</ref>&nbsp;The net result of smoking-induced oxidative stress is vascular and arteriolar inflammation -- further impairing the oxygen-delivering capabilties of the body.&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Garbin" /&gt;&nbsp;Clearly, by limiting oxygen delivery, cigarette smoking impairs the ability to generate energy through the oxidative energy system. However, literature also suggests that smoking impairs anaerobic energy provision by altering contractile proteins, creatine kinase, and other glycolytic enzymes.<ref>Barreiro E, Peinado VI, Galdiz JB, Ferrer E, Marin-Corral J, Sanchez F, et al. Cigarette smoking-induced oxidative stress: A role in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease skeletal muscle dysfunction. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2010; 182: 477-488</ref> With this in mind, therapists should be weary of setting unrealistic goals for patients who are smokers.&nbsp;</span>
Smoking is a huge risk factor coronary artery disease and many other complications such as myocardial infarction and sudden death.&nbsp;<ref>Fernhall B, Mendonca G, Pereira F. Effects of cigarette smoking on cardiac autonomic function during dynamic exercise. Journal of Sports Science 2011;29:879-86</ref>Smoking is one of the biggest cause of death in the world. Smoking is also associated with marked, acute, and increase in blood pressure, systemic vascular resistance, and heart rate.&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Fernhall" /&gt;&nbsp;Nicotine is one factor that stimulates epinephrine and norepinephrine release from the sympathetic nerve terminals and adrenal glands, which explains that acute cardiovascular effects may be due to adrenergic stimulation at the peripheral levels.&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Fernhall" /&gt;Acute cigarette smoking is associated with a significant decrease in vagal cardiac modulations which may increase the risk of complications during daily exercise or intense physical activity.&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Fernhall" /&gt;Acute smoking affects the cardiorespiratory responses to both submaximal and maximal exercise, which can result in an increase of sympathetic dominance at lower levels of submaimal work.&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Fernhall" /&gt;&nbsp;Clinicians should be considerate of all options and treatment plans for patients who are avid smokers.
Smoking has also been found to have a negative effect on bone mineral density which is directly related to osteporotic fracture.&nbsp;<ref>Krall, E. A. and Dawson-Hughes, B. (1999), Smoking Increases Bone Loss and Decreases Intestinal Calcium Absorption. J Bone Miner Res, 14: 215–220. doi: 10.1359/jbmr.1999.14.2.215</ref>&nbsp;Smokers do not absorb supplemental or dietary calcium as well as non-smokers. Studies show that smokers on average have 20mg/day less available calcium than non-smokers. The full reason in which calcium absorption is decreased is still unclear, but one explanation is that smoking damages intestinal villi which is a major component in digestion and absorption of nutrients&nbsp;&lt;span class="fck_mw_ref" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="ref" name="Krall" /&gt;&nbsp;The decreased ability to absorb calcium is directly realted to bone mineral density. Decreased bone mineral density effects the ability to exercise because increased risk of osteoportoic fractures.&nbsp;
While smoking can create adverse health issues for individuals, an athlete may be prone to the use of smokeless forms of nicotine to help with exercise performance.<ref name="Pesta">Pesta D.H., Angadi, S. S., Burtscher, M., &amp;amp; Roberts, C. K. The effects of caffeine, nicotine, ethanol, and tetrahydrocannabinol on exercise performance. Nutrition &amp;amp; Metabolism. 2013;10(71).</ref> Through smokeless forms of nicotine use an individual may be able to obtain a greater concentration of nicotine, while being able to avoid the inhalation of harmful smoke.<ref name="Pesta" /> It has been shown that nicotine has the ability to increase blood flow in muscles, as well as increase the breakdown of lipids during exercise.<ref name="Weber">Weber F, Anlauf M, Muller RD. Changes in muscle blood flow after smoking a cigarette determined by a new noninvasive method. European journal of clinical pharmacology. 1989;37(5):517-20.</ref><ref name="Andersson">Andersson K, Arner P. Systemic nicotine stimulates human adipose tissue lipolysis through local cholinergic and catecholaminergic receptors. International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders : journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity. 2001;25(8):1225-32.</ref> This is due to "enhanced circulating levels of norepinephrine and epinephrine as well as direct action on nicotinic cholinergic receptors in adipose tissue".<ref name="Andersson" /> In addition, studies have shown that nicotine use can improve cognitive function, such as "learning and memory, reaction time, and fine motor abilities".<ref name="Pesta" /> Nicotine has also been found to aid in pain tolerance, which athletes could find beneficial if they participate in contact sports.<ref name="Jamner">Jamner LD, Girdler SS, Shapiro D, Jarvik ME. Pain inhibition, nicotine, and gender. Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology. 1998;6(1):96-106.</ref> While nicotine has been shown to provide an ergogenic effect on exercise performance, nicotine is still a highly addictive drug which can result in withdrawal symptoms effecting motor skills for individuals that abstain from nicotine for a short period of time.<ref name="Pesta" /><br>
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== Recent Related Research (from &lt;a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/"&gt;Pubmed&lt;/a&gt;)  ==
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== References  ==
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&lt;span class="fck_mw_references" _fck_mw_customtag="true" _fck_mw_tagname="references" /&gt;

* [[The influence of human growth hormone (HGH) on physiologic processes and exercise]]

*[[The influence of anabolic steroids on physiologic processes and exercise]]
*[[The influence of alcohol on physiologic processes and exercise]]
*[[Methamphetamine and Exercise|The influence of methampetamine on physiologic processes and exercise]]
*[[The Influence of NSAIDs on Physiologic Processes and Exercise]]
*[[Smoking and Exercise|The influence of smoking on physiologic processes and exercise]]
*[[Analgesic Medication and Exercise|The influence of analgesic medication on physiologic processes and exercise]]
*[[The influence of marijuana on physiologic processes and exercise]]
*[[The influence of ADHD medication on physiologic processes and exercise]]
*[[The influence of muscle relaxers on physiologic processes and exercise]]

== References ==
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[[Category:Exercise Therapy]]
[[Category:Sports Medicine]]

Latest revision as of 21:24, 19 February 2023

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Body Builder.jpg

Numerous ergogenic aids that claim to enhance sports performance are used by amateur and professional athletes. Approximately 50 percent of the general population have reported taking some form of dietary supplements, while 76 to 100 percent of athletes in some sports are reported to use them.

Performance- Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) are pharmacologic agents that athletes and nonathlete weightlifters use to enhance performance [1]

Physicians can evaluate these products by examining four factors (method of action, available research, adverse effects, legality) that will help them counsel patients.

Common ergogenic aids include

  • Anabolic steroids, which increase muscle mass. These illegal supplements are associated with a number of serious adverse effects, some irreversible. They represent one of the oldest classes of drugs of abuse and, accordingly, their effects have been most extensively investigated. When combined with exercise training, AASs increase muscle mass and strength and reduce fat [2] .
  • Creatine modestly improves athletic performance and appears to be relatively safe.
  • Dehydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione do not improve athletic performance but apparently have similar adverse effects as testosterone and are also banned by some sports organizations.
  • Caffeine has mild benefits and side effects and is banned above certain levels. Products that combine caffeine with other stimulants (e.g., ephedrine) have been linked to fatal events.
  • Protein and carbohydrate supplementation provides modest benefits with no major adverse effects[3].

Below there are additional links to pages (see also those above) regarding the influence certain drugs and performance enhancers can have on an individual and the exercise process.[4]

Side effects of PEDs[edit | edit source]

  1. Direct Effects: Hypertension, Dyslidipemia, Myocyte Hypertrophy, Interstitial Fibrosis [2]
  2. Indirect Effects: Extreme cardiac remodelling, Exercise-Induded cardiac injuy, Interstitial fibrosis [2]

Clinical Consequences[edit | edit source]

Additional Reads[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Pope Jr HG, Wood RI, Rogol A, Nyberg F, Bowers L, Bhasin S. Adverse health consequences of performance-enhancing drugs: an Endocrine Society scientific statement. Endocrine reviews. 2014 Jun 1;35(3):341-75.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 La Gerche A, Brosnan MJ. Cardiovascular effects of performance-enhancing drugs. Circulation. 2017 Jan 3;135(1):89-99.
  3. Ahrendt DM. Ergogenic aids: counseling the athlete. American Family Physician. 2001 Mar 1;63(5):913.
  4. Burke LM, Castell LM, Stear SJ. BJSM reviews: A–Z of supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 1.