Communication in Healthcare

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Introduction: Barriers to communication in Healthcare
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Resource Aim[edit | edit source]

To highlight the need for ongoing communication skill development for AHPs and provide a resource which can be used to facilitate this process

Audience[edit | edit source]

Learning Outcomes
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1. To encourage AHPs to critically reflect on their existing communication skills and their impact on patients

2. Recognise and assess patient perceptions of how AHPs currently deal with difficult issues to improve future AHP practice

3. To critically evaluate the evidence underpinning the use of current and emerging approaches to sensitive issues with the aim of enhancing communication between patients and practitioners

4. To recognise and appraise the changing patient demographics and the role of AHPs in their treatment (eg: younger orthopaedic surgeries and sexual issues)

5. By the end of this package the reader will be able to apply advanced communication techniques to sensitive issues

Ineffective Communication[edit | edit source]

Mental Health[edit | edit source]

Obesity  [edit | edit source]

The World Health Organization reports that in 2008, over 1.4 billion adults over the age of 20 were considered overweight or obese (WHO 2014). The various comorbidities associated with obesity such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis and certain types of cancer, suggest that AHPs will encounter obese patients in a variety of settings (You et al. 2012; WHO 2014). There is a recognized need to discuss obesity with patients to promote health and well being, however, many AHPs are often uncomfortable communicating the need for weight loss to their patients (Farrente et al. 2009; NICE 2014). General practitioners (GP) are often in the front line of patient contact, however, only 42% of overweight patients are advised by their GP to lose weight (Farrente et al. 2009). Therefore, more than half of the patients that would benefit from a weight loss conversation do not get the assistance they need from their healthcare provider.

            Effective communication between AHPs and patients is essential and can influence the effectiveness of any conversations regarding weight loss  (NICE 2014). A focus group of physicians identified negative stigma and insufficient knowledge as major barriers to initiating the weight loss conversation, as well as frustration, lack of counselling skill and time constraints (Farrente et al. 2009). Negative stigma, also referred to in this context as weight stigma, exists between AHPs and obese patients with the perception that they are unable or unwilling to change their behaviours because they do not possess self-control (Gudzune et al. 2013; Teixeira et al. 2012). Furthermore, many AHPs believed that managing obesity was the responsibility of the patient and was not necessary to have medical intervention (Epstein and Ogden 2005). This perception predisposes the AHP to be less active in the provision of weight-loss conversations as well as in counselling the patient on how to change their behaviours (Epstein and Ogden 2005). AHPs with insufficient knowledge about weight loss methods or techniques feel uncomfortable approaching the conversation and tend to avoid it completely (Teixeira et al. 2012). In this case, AHP's may advise the patient that they may want to consider losing weight and give them pamphlets on obesity, however the conversation often never takes place (Teixeira et al. 2012). The AHPs own perceptions of their weight will influence their willingness to part-take in a weight loss conversation (Bleich et al. 2012). A survey of 500 physicians found that those with a BMI between 20-25, what is considered normal, were more likely to initiate a weight loss conversation (Bleich el al. 2012). Finally, patients and AHPs often believe that the current weight issue occur from different causes and this can be a source of frustration when trying to initiate behavioural changes (Teixera et al. 2012).  

End of Life[edit | edit source]

Discussions regarding death and terminal illness are a difficult challenge for patients, family members and AHPs.  As AHPs often try to protect their patients from bad news, end of life discussions are often avoided (Fallowfield 2002). Fallowfield (2002) illustrated the fact that health professionals often argue that patients hearing the reality of their illness are at risk of losing hope, becoming depressed and not making the most of their remaining time.  However, it was also found that patients with anxiety and depression due to their terminal illness have been inadequately informed about their condition in primary care (Rose et al. 2008). Therefore, it is evident that conversations about terminal illnesses should not be avoided to improve patient anxiety and acceptance regarding their condition.

A lack of knowledge and skill in relaying information about terminal illness and death is a major barrier to effective communication between AHPs and terminal patients (Black 2007). Student AHPs reported that discussing issues regarding terminal illness with patients to be difficult and uncomfortable, stating they lacked the appropriate communication training (Hjoreifsdottie & Carter 2000). The study examined students with formal training in communicating terminal illness and found these students were more confident in addressing these sensitive issues (Hjoreifsdottie & Carter 2000). Therefore, education can positively influence an AHPs self-efficacy with regards to initiating conversations with patients about their terminal illness. The health professional being sensitive to the appropriate time to open a discussion regarding this sensitive topic is also a crucial skill when dealing with those with terminal illnesses (Clayton 2005).  A second barrier is an AHP’s discomfort with discussing death to a patient or their family members (Curtis and Patrick 1997). According to an interview conducted by Curtis and Patrick 1997, one physician identified this barrier as, “an elephant in the room that you do not want to talk about”. Whether it is AHP discomfort or attempts to protect the patient, ambiguous statements regarding terminal illness can result in negative psychological consequences (Fallowfield 2002). Therefore, AHPs should strive to fully inform patients about their condition and prognosis, to allow the patient and their families to cope with and accept their situation (Fallowfield 2002).

Sexual Activity[edit | edit source]

Sexuality and intimacy are components of patients lives which are often avoided, overlooked and under-treated when rehabilitating patients.[1]Sex is a topic of conversation which is commonly avoided both by health professionals and patients as many people are not comfortable discussing sexual issues openly. When this topic arises in a health care setting, both health care professionals and patients can find the topic an embarrassing and difficult one to discuss.[1] Orthopaedic, respiratory, surgical, oncology and general practice are a few of the healthcare areas in which the patient may raise concerns about sexuality.[2] Although there is a need for a conversation between patients and professionals regarding sexuality and intimacy in variety of areas, many AHP's and patients are still uncomfortable discussing the topic.[1]  A survey of 170 patients who attended a GP appointment found that 35% of the males and 42% of the females had some form of sexual dysfunction.[3]  However, only 2% of the GP notes recorded that a discussion about sexuality had taken place even though 70% of the patients perceived that the GP was the person with whom they should discuss their sexual health.[3]

The barriers to communicating about sexual health between patients and professionals have been found to be lack of time, embarrassment and lack of knowledge.[4] Time constraints is the most commonly reported barrier to communication about sexual health.[3][1]. AHPs have referred to the conversation as 'opening a can of worms' and state that once the conversation has started you have to see it all the way through no matter how limited your time or resources.[3]  The fact that sexual health takes specialist knowledge has also resulted in some AHPs feeling ill-prepared to address patient concerns.[1] Studies have shown that health professionals’ skills and attitudes are addressed during professional education and training courses, however dedicated courses are usually poorly attended.[4]  Although dedicated courses exist to address these barriers, many AHPs report that they would rather not ask about sexual health unless the patient raises any concerns.[4] However, this may be problematic as a study by the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals[5] found that 68% of patients did not approach the topic of sex with health professionals for fear of being embarassed. Participants have also reported being surprised when sexual activity was mentioned as they had not previously considered it as a problematic physical activity.[2] This supports the need for health professionals to initiate a conversation regarding sexual health.

Violence and Aggressive Behaviour[edit | edit source]

The traumatic nature of situations in which healthcare professionals often become involved may cause interactions with patients and their loved ones to become fraught with tension (Duxbury and Whittington 2004). It is common in these situations for frustration, anxiety, uncertainty and helplessness to escalate into more aggressive and dangerous behaviours (Duxbury and Whittington 2004; Swain and Gale 2014). Research suggests that verbal and physical violence in healthcare settings has not only become common, but has become an accepted part of certain healthcare professions, particularly for emergency department (ED) nurses (Pich et al. 2010). While a probable explanation for this phenomenon is that ED staff deal with the most urgent and serious medical incidents, it has been shown that they are not isolated in their exposure to violent and aggressive behaviours (VAB) (Pich et al. 2010). A study by Whittington et al., 1996 found that 22% of radiographers, 19% of doctors, 10% of occupational therapists and 17% of physiotherapists had been assaulted within the last year. Although the UK government has introduced a zero tolerance policy towards VAB in all NHS settings, the incidence has only increased (National Audit Office 2003). Therefore, there is a need for all AHPs to acquire the skills to de-escalate and cope with violent and aggressive patients and their family members.

Hahn et al. (2012) reported that VAB was often managed by AHPs through either urging the person to stop their behaviour or by leaving the scene. These approaches are in accordance with zero tolerance policy, but have been demonstrated to be ineffective in combating VAB (Hahn et al 2012). Communication using de-escalation strategies were found to be much more effective in coping with patients who are becoming aggressive (Hahn et al. 2012). However, barriers such as fear, frustration, empathy and lack of skill or knowledge prevent AHPs from communicating with disgruntled patients (Duxbury and Whittington 2004; Swain and Gale 2014). A survey of 64 AHP students found that more than half were involved in an incident of VAB, with 94% stating they did not feel adequately prepared to handle such a situation (Stubbs et al. 2011). Empathy is a barrier to communication often overlooked when dealing with violent or aggressive patients (Duxbury and Whittington 2004). Although some factors leading to aggressive behaviours are within the patients control, such as alcohol consumption, many environmental factors can cause anxiety, helplessness and frustration which can make the patient more prone to aggression (Duxbury and Whittington 2004). Therefore, professionals dealing with aggressive patients must be sensitive and empathetic to any environmental factors. ED nurses with greater than ten years experience are most prone to being the recipient of patient aggression (Hahn et al. 2012) It is theorised that becoming accustomed to their daily routine has made ED nurses less sensitive and empathetic to specific patient needs and contributing to the environmental factors causing patient aggression (Hahn et al. 2012).

Emerging themes: Common Issues in Communication[edit | edit source]

Effective communication: Strategies & Techniques[edit | edit source]

Motivational Interviewing[edit | edit source]

SPIKES[edit | edit source]

De-escalation Strategies[edit | edit source]

SBAR[edit | edit source]

Case Studies: Real Life Situations[edit | edit source]

Recent Related Research (from Pubmed)[edit | edit source]

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References[edit | edit source]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Hordern, A., Grainger, M., Hegarty, S., Jefford, M., White, V. and Sutherland, G. 2009. Discussing sexuality in the clinical setting: the impact of a brief training program for oncology health professionals to enhance communication about sexuality. Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 5(1) pp. 270-277
  2. 2.0 2.1 Brandenburg U, Bitzer J. The challenge of talking about sex: The importance of patient-physican interaction. Maturitas 2009;63(2):124-127.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Gott, M., Galena, E., Hinchliff, S. and Elford, H. 2004. “Opening a can of worms”: GP and practice nurse barriers to talking about sexual health in primary care. Family Practice;21(5):528-536
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Macdowall W, Parker R, Nanchahal K, Ford C, Lowbury R, Robinson A, Sherrard J, Martins H, Fasey N, Wellings K. ‘Talking of sex’: developing and piloting a sexual health communication tool for use in primary care. Patient Education and Counselling 2010;81:332-337.
  5. Association of Reproductive Health Professionals. Talking to patients about sexuality and sexual health. (accessed 13 October 2014).