Palliative Care Competence Framework for Physiotherapists

Welcome to Queen Margaret University's Current and Emerging Roles in Physiotherapy Practice project. This space was created by and for the students at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, UK. Please do not edit unless you are involved in this project, but please come back in the near future to check out new information!!

Original Editor - Your name will be added here if you created the original content for this page.

Top Contributors - Charlotte Kay, Yasmin Natasha Milne, Emma Clare Sneddon, Sarah Brennan, Lauren Lopez, Kim Jackson,, Jane Hislop, Lucinda hampton, Admin and Evan Thomas  

Introduction and Learning Outcomes[edit | edit source]

Overview of Lymphoedema
[edit | edit source]

Lymphatic System[edit | edit source]

Types of Lymphoedema[edit | edit source]

Stages Of Lymphoedema[edit | edit source]

Clinical Features[edit | edit source]

Epidemiology[edit | edit source]

Treatment and Management of Lymphoedema[edit | edit source]

Introduction and History[edit | edit source]

Compression[edit | edit source]

Skin Care[edit | edit source]

Exercise[edit | edit source]

Massage[edit | edit source]

Education towards Self Management[edit | edit source]

Alternative Treatments[edit | edit source]

Outcome Measures[edit | edit source]

Lymphoedema in Palliative Care[edit | edit source]

Definition and Background[edit | edit source]

Who and When[edit | edit source]

Phystherapist's Role[edit | edit source]

Treatment Challenges[edit | edit source]

Treatment Modifications[edit | edit source]

Outcome Measures[edit | edit source]

Preparing for work[edit | edit source]

Knowledge[edit | edit source]

Competence Framework[edit | edit source]

Recent Related Research (from Pubmed)[edit | edit source]

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References[edit | edit source]

References will automatically be added here, see adding references tutorial.
