Enablement Cerebral Palsy Project

Handicap international logo1.png
Enablement logo.png

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In 1982 Handicap International (independant charity) was created in Thiland by two doctors who whitnessed the injustice experienced by people living in the I Dang Camps. They came across many people who were the victims of anti-personnel landmines, resulting in amputations. These living conditions were extremely difficult for the refugees, especially those who were living with disabilities. These two doctors started producing artificial limbs to help promote the quality of life, independance and dignity of these individual. This was only the first step for Handicap International, as they then set up basic rehabilitation programmes for these low resourced areas, teaching the locals and the medical teams in the camp to establish better post surgical outcomes. Their work did not stop here, they continued to campaign to ban landmines, which some 10 years later in 1982 was implemented globally. This lead to the founding members being awared the Nobel Peace Prize later that year. 

Handicap International have continued to grow and expand over the years, providing support to disabled and vulnerable people living in poverty and situations of exclusion, conflict and disaster. One of their partnerships is Enablement, who are specialised in Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and Disability Inclusive Development (DID).

Enablement is a non-profit organisation who aim to work with low to middle-income countries aiming to provide a positive impact on those living with a disability. Enablement aim to bridge the gap between government bodies, academics and the practitioners working at ground level. They focus on CBR and DID in low resourced countries through training, consultancy and research. One of the trainning programmes that has been developed and sucessfully delivered in patnership with Handicap International and a practitioner called Roelie Wolting is the Cerebral Palsy Enablement programme. This is a series of online modules that were funded to run for a period of time educating practitioners worldwide, specifically aimed at those working in low resourced countires. 

To continue disenimation and global education in CBR and Cerebral Palsy this programme has teamed up with Physiopedia to transform the modules into Physiopedia Pages to promote accessibility of these excellent educational resources which are listed below in content. 

To find out more about Handicap International and Enablement follow the links provided. 

Project Lead[edit | edit source]

Roelie Wolting is a peadiatric Physiotherapist who has worked in several countries in Asia and Africa (low resourced countries) with children living with disabilities. Roelie has worked in Indonesia where she initially learned about CBR. Since then Roelie has gone on to develop more and more experience in this area, establishing and contributing to the CAHD tool kit and CBR training programmes in partnership with Enablement. 

Date[edit | edit source]

August 2016

Content [edit | edit source]