Therapeutic Exercise Prescription: Epigenetic and Healthy Ageing

Original Editor - Tolulope Adeniji

Top Contributors - Tolulope Adeniji, Lucinda hampton and Kim Jackson  

Overview[edit | edit source]

Ageing is a phyisological declines in body systems and it is complex and intra-individual process. The hallmarks of ageing is recently noted to include about nine cellullar and molecular characteristics including epigenetic alterations; genomic instability; telomeric attrition; loss of proteostasis; and deregulated nutrient sensing. Others are mitochondrial dysfunction; cellular senescence; stem cell exhaustion; and altered intercellular communication. Exercise therapy had been shown to improve all these nine domains.[1] Therefore prescribing exact amount of exercise that will give us desire effect in achieving health domain is essential.

Epigenetic field is promising in delivery of precise therapeutic exercise interventions that will bring about the outcome of interest. This field is define as the study of how regular exposures to environmental factors such as exercise, emotional stress and nutrition may improve how some certain gene is expressed or repressed.[2]And it is of interest that epigenome may be one of the means that exercise express its beneficial effects. Thus, healthy ageing may be achieved by understanding how much exercise that is enough to combat all marks of ageing .

Evidence on Therapeutic exercise Prescription: Epigenetic and Healthy Ageing[edit | edit source]

Future Direction on Therapeutic exercise Prescription: Epigenetic and Healthy Ageing[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Rebelo-Marques A, De Sousa Lages A, Andrade R, Ribeiro CF, Mota-Pinto A, Carrilho F, Espregueira-Mendes J. Aging hallmarks: the benefits of physical exercise. Frontiers in endocrinology. 2018 May 25;9:258.
  2. Woelfel JR, Dudley-Javoroski S, Shields RK. Precision physical therapy: exercise, the epigenome, and the heritability of environmentally modified traits. Physical therapy. 2018 Nov 1;98(11):946-52.