Physical Activity in Older Adults

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This section is being created as part of a project undertaken through AGILE (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Clinical Interest Group of Physiotherapists working with Older People in the UK).  Please do not edit these pages until the project is complete, but feel free to contact the author with any comments. 

Original Editor - Bhanu Ramaswamy as part of the AGILE Project.

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What is physical activity and what is exercise?[edit | edit source]

Physical activity has been defined as “any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure”, in contrast to exercise which was defined as “Leisure time physical activity which is planned and structured, and repetitive bodily movement undertaken to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness”. Physical activity is an umbrella term for many activities such as exercise, sport, dancing, gardening and walking.
Regular physical activity has been shown to have important beneficial effects on physical and mental wellbeing across all age groups. There are very few medical conditions that regular exercise doesn’t help to prevent, reduce the risk of developing, or improve symptoms. This topic is core to what physiotherapists can provide, and we should be at the forefront of the field of providing activity and exercise prescription especially where a disease process is evident.
Many non-communicable diseases (NCDs) prevalent in older adults can benefit from participation in regular physical activity. The potential effects of exercise on the health of older adults include:

  • Reduced risk of developing coronary heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancers and diabetes
  • Prevention of post-menopausal osteoporosis and protection against osteoporotic fractures by reducing the risk of falls
  • A reduction in accidental falls.
  • A reduction in loneliness and isolation, along with a reduction in depression, which may be as effective as antidepressants.
  • A reduction in the complications of immobility, such as deep vein thrombosis and pressure sores.

Being active from an early age can help prevent many diseases just as regular movement and activity can help relieve the disability and pain associated with these conditions. Importantly, the benefits of physical activity can be enjoyed even if regular practice starts late in life. It has been suggested that older adults engaged in regular physical activity demonstrate improved:

  • Balance
  • Strength
  • Coordination and motor control
  • Flexibility
  • Endurance.

Consequently, physical activity can reduce falls risk, a major older age cause of disability.

Physical activity has also been shown to improve mental health and cognitive function in older adults and has been found to contribute to the management of disorders such as depression and anxiety. Active lifestyles often provide older people with regular occasions to make new friendships, maintain social networks, and interact with other people of all ages.

Despite this, a global trend of declining physical activity participation that is associated with increasing age has been observed (Marmot et al 2003[1] Verbrugge et al 1996[2]).

How active are older people?[edit | edit source]

Analysis of results from the Allied Dunbar National Fitness survey (Skelton 1990[3]), carried out in the 1990’s, showed that around 40% of men and women aged over 50 were sedentary; however more than half the sedentary respondents thought they carried out sufficient activity to keep themselves fit! Among those who were free from immobilising disease, only 30% of men and 19% women aged over 50 were frequently active. Nearly half of women aged 70-74 did not have sufficient leg power to use stairs, and 80% of women in this age group did not possess sufficient aerobic capacity to walk comfortable at a 20 minute mile pace.

What type of exercise is recommended as appropriate for older adults?[edit | edit source]

This depends upon the ability of the person. The Active for Later Life resource in the Further Reading section below describes three related and overlapping categories: Making activity choices for those entering old age; increasing the circle of life for those in the transitional phase and moving on in the later years for frailer older people. Physical activity for older adults can take many forms (e.g. walking, swimming, stretching, dancing, gardening, hiking, cycling or organised exercise sessions). However, there are several important considerations specific to the older adult population with regard to physical activity recommendations:

  • Intensity of aerobic activity takes into account the older adult's aerobic fitness.
  • Activities that maintain or increase flexibility are recommended.
  • Balance exercises are recommended for older adults at risk of falls.
  • Older adults that have medical conditions or disabilities that may affect their capacity to be physically active should seek advice from a doctor. 

Implications of maintaining physical activity in older adults[edit | edit source]

The increase in the older population is anticipated mainly in developing countries. Reducing and postponing age-related disability is an essential public health measure and physical activity can play an important role in creating and sustaining well-being at all ages.

‘Move for health’ is WHO’s world health initiative and response to the fact that:

  • Each year at least 1.9 million people die as a result of physical inactivity.
  • At least 30 minutes of regular, moderate-intensity physical activity on 5 days per week reduces the risk of several non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
  • Physical inactivity is an independent modifiable risk factor for common NCDs.
  • More than 35 million people died of NCDs in 2005 - this represented 60% of all deaths worldwide.
  • 80% of deaths from NCDs occur in low- and middle-income countries.
  • Without action to address the causes, deaths from NCDs will increase by 17% between 2005 and 2015.

See Further Reading section below

1. WHO "Move for Health" can be accessed at:
2. CSP Move for Health: A physiotherapy link with the Change4Life initiative, to encourage health and wellbeing improvement by increasing levels of physical activity:
3. Be active, be healthy is the framework for the delivery of physical activity alongside sport for the period leading up to the London 2012 Olympics and beyond. The legacy outlines an ambition of getting 2 million more people active by 2012 and after.
4. Fit as a Fiddle project: an Age Concern programme championing physical activity and well-being for older people. The fit as a fiddle portfolio is funded by the Big Lottery Fund as part of the Well-being programme‚ to deliver £15.1 million worth of projects across all nine English regions until 2012.
5. Later Life Training: aims to provide specialist, safe and effective exercise training for people working with vulnerable older populations.
6. EXTEND provides gentle exercise to music for older people and for anyone of any age with a disability. Our mission is to promote health, increase mobility and independence, improve strength, co-ordination and balance and to counteract loneliness and isolation.
7. Active for later life. Promoting physical activity with older people accessed at:
8. The Cochrane Library holds many reviews of exercise and physical activity for older people 


  • Best-Martini E, Bolenhagen-DiGenova K (2003). Exercise for frail elders. Illinois, Human Kinetics
  • Gormley J, Hussey J (2005). Exercise therapy: Prevention and treatment of disease. Oxford, Blackwell publishing
  • Morris M, Schoo A (2004). Optimizing exercise and physical activity in older people. Edinburgh, Butterworth Heinemann
  • The National Blueprint report: Increasing physical activity amongst adults age 50 and over. The Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 2001, Volume 9 Supplement
  • Rikli R, Jones J (2001). Senior fitness test manual. Illinois, Human Kinetics

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Marmot M, Banks J, Blundell R, Lessof C, Nazroo J eds (2003). Health, wealth and lifestyles of the older population in England: The 2002 English longitudinal study of ageing. Institute for Fiscal Studies, London
  2. Verbrugge L, Gruber-Baldini A, Fozard J (1996). Age Differences and Age Changes in Activities: Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 51 B (1); S3O-S41
  3. Skelton D (1990) Physical Activity in Later Life: Further Analysis of the Allied Dunbar National Fitness Survey and the Health Education Authority Survey of Activity and Health.