International Framework for Examination of the Cervical Region

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Background[edit | edit source]

This page is based on the following:

Rushton A, Carlesso L, Flynn T, Hing W, Rubinstein S ,Vogel S, Kerry R. International Framework for Examination of the Cervical Region for Potential of Vascular Pathologies of the Neck Prior to Musculoskeletal Intervention: International IFOMPT Cervical Framework. International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT). 2023[1]

This position statement, based on the International IFOMPT (International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists) Cervical Framework, was developed to assist clinicians during their clinical reasoning process when considering presentations involving the head and neck. It has moved from the IFOMPT language of “OMT” (orthopaedic manual therapy) to musculoskeletal intervention.This change was to ensure clarity for all clinicians and that the revised framework completes a planned update of the original (2012) framework to ensure access to the contemporary evidence for clinical reasoning.The International IFOMPT Cervical Framework, developed through rigorous consensus methods, guides assessment of the cervical spine region for potential vascular pathologies of the neck prior to planned interventions. Events and manifestations of vascular pathologies of the neck are uncommon within the cervical spine, but they must be considered as part of the patient examination. Vascular pathologies may be detectable if the appropriate questions are asked during the patient history-taking process, if the interpretation of elicited data allows recognition of this potential, and if the physical examination can be adapted to evaluate any potential vasculogenic hypothesis.[2]The document was published in 2012 as a resource for clinicians. It was scheduled for revision in 2017, and the final revision was published in September 2020.The revised 2020 framework is free on the IFOMPT website. As a consensus document, the Framework was developed through rigorous methods and pivots around clinical reasoning and evidence-based practice.

IFOMPT[edit | edit source]

Please see for all information.

The vision statement of IFOMPT is as follows:

"World-wide promotion of excellence and unity in clinical and academic standards for manual/musculoskeletal physiotherapists."

The vision statement summarises the mission of IFOMPT that, as an organisation, it aims to:

  1. Promote and maintain high standards of specialist education and clinical practice in manual/musculoskeletal physiotherapists.
  2. Promote and facilitate evidence-based practice and research amongst its members.
  3. Communicate widely the purpose and level of the specialisation of manual/musculoskeletal physiotherapists amongst physiotherapists, other healthcare disciplines and the general public.
  4. Work towards international unity/conformity of educational standards of practice amongst manual/musculoskeletal physiotherapists.
  5. Communicate and collaborate effectively with individuals within the organisation and with other organisations.

The Standards Committee of IFOMPT is a sub-committee of the Executive Committee and is responsible for advising the Executive on educational issues and maintaining standards. The Standards Document is the guideline document that IFOMPT provides for groups of Manual Therapists who wish to seek membership in IFOMPT through the creation of postgraduate educational programmes in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (OMT). Part A of the Standards Document[3]  details the educational standards.

Consensus Methodology[edit | edit source]

The framework was developed through rigorous methods and is not intended to be a set of systematic reviews aimed at answering specific questions. The consensus process looked at the breadth and complexity of evidence, clinical reasoning, and facilitated recommendations where there was a lack of published material and significant uncertainty.

Precisely defined substantive areas were identified for each section of the framework, and relevant electronic databases, reference lists, key journals, existing networks, and relevant organizations and conferences were searched. Within each section, study selection and data and information charting were carried out in accordance with its focus. There were 4 stages

to developing the framework:

  • Stage 1:

A survey to evaluate the previous 2012 cervical framework was distributed to all member organizations and registered interest groups of IFOMPT in 2016.

  • Stage 2:

The key issues identified in the survey were initially explored at the IFOMPT Conference in 2016 in Glasgow. Findings from the evaluation survey were presented to facilitate discussion and debate through platform presentations. Which confirmed the need for an updated version of the framework.

  • Stage 3:

Drafts of the framework were developed through an iterative consultative process and distributed for review and feedback to IFOMPT member organizations and registered interest groups, international experts/authors, nominated experts within IFOMPT countries, and professional organizations across physical therapy, osteopathy, and chiropractic.

  • Stage 4:

The framework was voted on and accepted unanimously at the IFOMPT General Meeting in November 2020 by 22 member organizations (countries) as an international position statement for musculoskeletal clinicians.

Reason for the Development of the Framework[edit | edit source]

An array of potential vascular pathologies of the neck is related to the arterial system supplying blood to the brain. There are two implications for physiotherapists/physical therapists who treat musculoskeletal conditions.

  1. Neurovascular incidents have been associated with therapeutic interventions
  2. There exist multiple arterial pathologies (vascular masqueraders) which could present as musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction of the neck, like neck pain and headache

The International IFOMPT Cervical Framework aims to increase the physiotherapists' understanding of risk and pathology to promote patient safety.

The Framework's mission is to ensure that educators and physiotherapists understand the risk in both its epidemiological and individual contexts. Epidemiologically, the risk of an incident due to therapeutic intervention is small, but physiotherapists should still give utmost attention to limiting the risk to the individual.

The Framework aims "to provide the necessary information to allow both educators and physical therapists to teach and practice with the sound reasoning and knowledge required to make the best clinical decisions, with the result that they are capable of minimising this risk."

Executive summary[edit | edit source]

Key principles of the 2020 International Framework:

  • The terminology Cervical Artery Dysfunction (CAD) was used in previous versions. CAD has been replaced with vascular pathologies of the neck.
  • Provocative positional testing, like the Vertebral Artery Test, is no longer recommended due to a lack of evidence of its predictive ability to identify risk.[4] [5]
  • The framework is based on the best available evidence and is intended to be informative and not prescriptive
  • The framework enhances the physical therapist’s clinical reasoning as part of the process of patient assessment and treatment
  • An important underlying principle of the framework is that physical therapists cannot rely on the results of only one test to conclude, and therefore the development of an understanding of the patient’s presentation following an informed, planned and individualised assessment is essential
  • The framework is designed to be an aid to patient-centred clinical reasoning
  • The framework requires effective clinical reasoning to enable effective, efficient and safe assessment and management of the cervical region
  • The physical therapist’s aim during the patient history is to make the best judgment on the probability of serious pathology and contraindications to treatment based on available information
  • A process of planning the physical examination to interpret the data from the patient history and define the main hypotheses is essential to an effective physical examination
  • It is important that the tests within the physical examination provide reliable and valid data to enable the evaluation of the main hypotheses
  • Risk versus benefit model is advocated to provide a simple framework for decision-making through consideration of risk factors, predicted benefit of OMT intervention, and analysis of possible action
  • A flowchart of clinical reasoning is provided
  • Patient-centred decision-making following informed consent must be obtained before treatment interventions
  • Key considerations are provided for the physical therapist during the selection and application of cervical manipulation as a treatment intervention
  • Guidance is provided for those teaching cervical assessments and management to students

Aim of the framework[edit | edit source]

The framework is designed to guide the assessment of the cervical spine region for the potential of vascular pathologies in the neck in advance of planned OMT interventions. The IFOMPT definition of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (OMT), voted in at the General Meeting in Cape Town March 2004, is:

OMT is a specialised area of physiotherapy/physical therapy for the management of neuro-musculo-skeletal conditions, based on clinical reasoning, using highly specific treatment approaches including manual techniques and therapeutic exercises.

OMT also encompasses, and is driven by, the available scientific and clinical evidence and the biopsychosocial framework of each individual patient.

OMT interventions for the cervical spine addressed through this framework include manipulation, mobilisation and exercise. Attention is focused on techniques in end-range positions of the cervical spine during mobilisation, manipulation and exercise interventions.

The framework is based on the best available evidence at the time of writing. It is designed to be used with the IFOMPT Standards[3] that define postgraduate best practices in OMT internationally. Central to this framework is sound clinical reasoning and evidence-based practice.

Within the cervical spine, events and presentations of vascular pathologies of the neck are rare but are an essential consideration as part of an OMT assessment. Arterial dissection (a tear in the lining of an artery) and other vascular presentations are somewhat recognisable if the appropriate questions are asked during the patient history, if the interpretation of elicited data enables the recognition of this potential, and if the physical examination can be adapted to explore any potential vasculogenic hypothesis further. Therefore, the framework reflects best practices and aims to place risk in an appropriate context informed by the evidence. In this context, the framework considers ischaemic and non-ischaemic presentations to identify risk before overt symptoms in a patient presenting for cervical management.

An important underlying principle of the framework is that physical therapists cannot rely on the results of only one test to conclude. Therefore, developing an understanding of the patient’s presentation following an informed, planned, and individualised assessment is essential. Multiple sources of information are available from the patient assessment process to improve confidence in estimating the probability of vascular pathologies of the neck. Data available to inform clinical reasoning will improve and change with ongoing research. This framework, therefore, encourages physical therapists to critically read the current literature to enable support for their clinical decisions rather than provide specific data prescriptive guidance, as the evidence base for this is not available.

The framework is intended to be informative and not prescriptive and aims to enhance the physical therapist’s clinical reasoning as part of the patient assessment and treatment process. The framework is intended as simple and flexible. The physical therapist should be able to apply it to their patients, facilitating patient-centred practice.

IFOMPT Cervical Framework[edit | edit source]

The framework is divided into different sections and is designed to be used in conjunction with crucial literature sources identified in the context section.

Section 1: Summary infographic[edit | edit source]

  • This infographic on page 4 of the framework is a summary of all the different sections within the framework as described below.
Purpose of the Framework.jpg

Section 2: Aim and scope of the Framework[edit | edit source]

  • Guides the assessment of the cervical spine region for the potential of vascular pathologies of the neck before OMT interventions (mobilisation, manipulation and exercise).
    Range of vascular pathologies of the neck
  • The intention is to inform, not prescribe, and to enhance the physiotherapist's clinical reasoning
  • Events and presentations of vascular pathologies of the neck are rare[6] but important to consider in an OMT assessment
  • To recognise vascular pathologies, appropriate subjective assessment questions should be asked as part of an informed, planned and individualised assessment
  • Ischaemic and non-ischaemic presentations should be considered to identify risk in a patient presenting for cervical examination and management
  • Physiotherapists should not rely on the results of only one test to draw conclusions

Section 3: Framework underpinned by clinical reasoning[edit | edit source]

"The Framework requires effectiveness in clinical reasoning to enable effective, efficient, and safe assessment and management of the cervical spine region. Some recorded safety incidents (e.g. following cervical manipulation) could have been avoided if more detailed clinical reasoning had been exercised by the clinician[7]. The Framework is therefore designed to aid patient-centred clinical reasoning."[1]

The IFOMPT Standards Document[8] states that:

“Advanced clinical reasoning skills are central to the practice of OMT Physical Therapists, ultimately leading to decisions formulated to provide the best patient care. Clinical decisions are established following consideration of the patient’s clinical and physical circumstances to establish a clinical physical diagnosis and treatment options. The decisions are informed by research evidence concerning the efficacy, risks, effectiveness, and efficiency of the options[9]. Given the likely consequences associated with each option, decisions are made using a model that views the patient’s role within decision-making as central to practice[10], thus describing a patient-centred model of practice. Therefore, practice in OMT is informed by a complex integration of research evidence, the patient’s preferences and the patient’s clinical presentation.”

“The application of OMT is based on a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s neuromusculoskeletal system and functional abilities. This examination defines the presenting dysfunction(s) in the articular, muscular, nervous and other relevant systems; and how these relate to any disability or functional limitation as described by the World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Equally, the examination aims to distinguish those conditions that are indications or contraindications to OMT Physical Therapy and/or demand special precautions, as well as those where anatomical anomalies or pathological processes limit or direct the use of OMT procedures. OMT includes a large range of therapeutic procedures such as passive movements (mobilisation and/or manipulation), rehabilitative exercises, patient information/education, and other interventions and modalities. The main aims of OMT are to relieve pain and to optimise the patient’s functional ability.”

Flowchart of clinical reasoning

Section 4: Patient history[edit | edit source]

Patient History

Clinical reasoning process[edit | edit source]

The physiotherapist aims to use the patient history to make the best judgment on the probability of either contraindication to treatment or serious pathology that is present. Please note that the physical examinations proposed in the Framework has very limited diagnostic utility data.

General considerations and specific vascular pathology of the neck considerations[edit | edit source]

A patient experiencing a vascular pathology of the neck may seek OMT for the relief of this associated pain. These vascular pathologies might mimic musculoskeletal dysfunction, i.e. head/neck pain. The physiotherapist should recognise subtle signs and symptoms of the suspected pathologies and risk factors from the patient's history.

See the table on the right with information to highlight the critical components of the patient history in this context.

Typical case histories of vascular dysfunction from the Framework[edit | edit source]

'Case: Typical vertebral artery dissection with ischaemic changes'.

A 46-year-old female supermarket worker presented for physical therapy with left-sided head (occipital) and neck pain described as “unusual”. She reported a 6-day history of the symptoms following a road traffic accident. The symptoms were progressively worsening. The pain was eased by rest. She reported a history of previous road traffic accidents. Past medical history included hypertension, high cholesterol, and a maternal family history of heart disease and stroke. Cranial nerve tests for VIII, IX, and X were positive and resting blood pressure was 170/110. Two days after assessment, the patient reported an onset of new symptoms, including “feels like might be sick”, “throaty”, and “feels faint” – especially after performing prescribed neck exercises. Two days after this, she reported a stronger feeling of nausea, loss of balance, swallowing difficulties, speech difficulties and acute loss of memory. Magnetic resonance arteriography revealed an acute vertebrobasilar stroke related to a left vertebral (extra-cranial) artery dissection.


A typical background of vascular risk factors and trauma, together with a classic pain distribution for vertebral arterial somatic pain was worsening. Positive signs (blood pressure and cranial nerve dysfunction) suggest cervical vascular pathology—signs of vertebrobasilar ischaemia developed in a typical period post-trauma.

Case: Vertebral artery with pain as the only clinical feature (non-ischaemic)

A friend presents to a physical therapist with a sore neck and an unremitting headache. The individual complains that they “think” their “neck is out”. They ask if they can have their neck manipulated to “put it back in”. The headache has been present for 3-4 days and is getting worse. They note that the pain has been unrelieved by medication (paracetamol), and it appears to be of a mechanical presentation. Without taking a full history and carrying out a physical examination, the physical therapist manipulates the neck. The result was the individual experiencing numbness and paralysis in their left arm and hand.


Investigation post-incident identified an intimal tear of the vertebral artery. The critical issue, in this case, is that the presentation was not fully assessed through a detailed history and physical examination. The warning feature from the history of worsening pain, unrelieved by medication, inadequate physical examination and limited clinical reasoning, all contributed to an unfortunate and potentially avoidable outcome.

Case: Internal carotid artery dissection

A 42-year-old accountant presents to physical therapy with a 5-day history of unilateral neck and jaw pain and temporal headache following a rear-end motor vehicle collision. There is a movement restriction of the neck, and the physical therapist begins to treat with gentle passive joint mobilisations and advises a range of movement exercises. The following day, the patient’s pain worsens, and he developed ipsilateral ptosis. The patient’s blood pressure is unusually high.


A medical investigation found an extra-cranial dissection of the internal carotid artery. The patient had underlying risk factors for arterial disease, and the presentation was typical of internal carotid artery dissection, with a key differentiator being the ptosis. A dramatic systemic blood pressure response was a result of this vascular insult.

Section 5: Planning the physical examination[edit | edit source]

Necessity for planning[edit | edit source]

A process of interpreting the data from the patient history and defining the main hypotheses is essential to an effective physical examination[11][12]. Hypothesis generation from the history and refining, re-ranking and rejecting of these hypotheses in the physical examination is necessary to facilitate optimal clinical reasoning in OMT[13]. Therefore careful planning of the physical examination is required. In particular, for this framework, the possible vasculogenic (cervical arterial) contribution to the patient’s presentation needs to be evaluated from the patient history data.

Are any further patient history data required?[edit | edit source]

An important component of planning is identifying any further patient history data that may be required. That is, are there any gaps in the information obtained? Is the quality of the information obtained sufficient?

Decision-making regarding the physical examination[edit | edit source]

Based upon the evaluation and interpretation of the data from the patient history, the physical therapist needs to decide the following:

  • Are there any precautions for OMT?
  • Are there any contraindications to OMT?
  • What physical tests need to be included in the physical examination?
  • What is the priority for these physical tests for this specific patient? This is to inform decisions regarding the testing order and determine which tests should be completed at the first visit.
  • Do the physical tests need to be adapted for this specific patient?
Physical Examination

Section 6: Physical examination[edit | edit source]

The purpose of the physical examination is to continue to test the vascular hypothesis generated during the history.

Blood pressure

Hypertension strongly predicts cardiovascular disease[14], but it should be interpreted in the context of other findings with sound clinical reasoning. Hypertension and neck pain are only two factors influencing the decision on the probability of vascular pathology.

Neurological examination

Neurological examination for musculoskeletal clinicians is a key element for safe clinical practice. It allows to identification of upper and/or lower limb and upper motor neuron pathology. [15] Examination of the peripheral nerves and cranial nerves in assessing for an upper motor neuron lesion will assist in evaluating the potential for neurovascular conditions. Follow this link to learn more about testing. An increasing body of literature details clinical cases of arterial pathology with cranial nerve involvement to inform pattern recognition. The absence of findings does not rule out underlying pathology.

Read the guide to cranial nerve testing for musculoskeletal clinicians here.

Examination of the carotid artery

The physiotherapist should aim to understand and experience both normal and pathological pulse quality. Auscultation is advised as palpation of the internal carotid artery may induce vagal reactions (especially when palpating bilaterally). In most cases, the sensitivity or specificity of pulse examination is unknown. Still, in the correct clinical context, it may offer important evidence leading to specific diagnoses and treatment[16].

  • An alteration of the internal carotid artery pulse has been identified as a feature of the internal carotid disease [17]
  • Asymmetry between left and right vessels is considered significant
  • A pulsatile, expandable mass indicates an arterial aneurysm[18]
  • A bruit on auscultation (controlling for normal turbulence) indicates a significant finding and should be considered in the context of other clinical findings.

Differentiation during the physical examination

Differentiation of a patient’s symptoms originating from a vasculogenic cause with complete certainty is not currently possible from the physical examination. Thus, it is important for the  physical therapist to understand that headache/neck pain may be the early presentation of an underlying vascular pathology[19][20]. The task for the therapist is to differentiate the symptoms by:

  1. Having a high index of suspicion
  2. Testing the vascular hypothesis.

This process of differentiation should take place from an early point in the assessment process, i.e. early in the patient history. The symptomology and history of a patient experiencing vascular pathology are what may alert the physical therapist to such an underlying problem[19][20]. A high index of suspicion of cervical vascular involvement is required in cases of acute onset neck/head pain described as “unlike any other”[20]. Physical therapists may be exposed to patients presenting with the early signs of stroke (for example, neck pain/headache) and need both knowledge and awareness of the mechanisms involved. A basic understanding of vascular anatomy, haemodynamics and the pathogenesis of arterial dysfunction may help the physical therapist differentiate vascular head and neck pain from a musculoskeletal cause[19][20]  through interpretation of the patient history data and tests in the physical examination.

Refer on for further investigation

  • There exist no clinical guidelines for medical diagnostic work-up regarding vascular pathology.
  • The physiotherapist should follow local policy in referring for further investigation. Immediate referral for medical investigation should occur with clinical suspicion of vascular pathology.
  • Conventionally, duplex ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging/arteriography, and computed tomography are used in the workup.

Additional training

Physiotherapists should receive additional training if their current OMT practice does not include the tests mentioned in this Framework.

Section 7: Risk and benefit[edit | edit source]

Framework for evaluating risk

This section relates to those patients NOT presenting with a discrete vascular pathology but instead with neuromusculoskeletal craniocervical dysfunction suitable for OMT mobilisation, manipulation and exercises intervention. This assessment of risk and benefit relates to the risk associated with treatment, not misdiagnosis.

In the context of this Framework, there are two substantive but related risks:

  1. The risk of misdiagnosis of an existing vascular pathology
  2. The risk of serious adverse events following OMT

For instance, a patient presents with neck pain / headache but develops a severe adverse event, such as a dissection due to underlying pathology aggravated by treatment)

Risk and Benefit


See the Risk and Benefit diagram to the right.


The benefits of OMT are reported in high-quality systematic reviews and meta-analyses by different authors[21][22][23][24]. OMT and exercise interventions are also included in the most recent Clinical Practice Guidelines linked to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health[25]. The combination of OMT and exercise for neck pain and associated disorders like headache and radiculopathy have been proven effective[26][27].

Person-centred decision-making

From an individual level, based on the background literature, which highlights various risk factors for specific pathologies in specific people, the epidemiological data must be contextualised in the particular patient encounter. This is also the case for decision-making regarding the choice of intervention and its predicted benefit. Accurate data to inform a precise level of risk at an individual level is lacking, so it is not possible to develop valid clinical prediction rules for risk or benefit. Absolute risk judgement cannot be made by the physiotherapist, and the therapist must accept that the clinical decision is made without certainty and a decision based on a balance of probabilities. When in doubt, consider not intervening, and assess the chance of recovery of pain and dysfunction (assuming a musculoskeletal dysfunction).

See page 25 of the Framework for a clinical reasoning flowchart for risk assessment before cervical manual therapy.

Section 8: Shared decision-making, informed consent and medico-legal framework[edit | edit source]

Shared decision-making, informed consent and medico-legal framework

Shared decision-making covers the professional and ethical obligations of informed consent. Still, it surpasses informed consent by recognising the patients’ rights to make decisions about their care, ensuring they are adequately informed about treatment options and their consequences, providing patients with sufficient opportunities to discuss them and by jointly agreeing on a course of action for each individual (Moulton et al., 2013)[28]. The specific requirements of informed consent will vary from country to country according to local laws, regulatory expectations, customs and norms.

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has proposed 5 steps based on the SHARE approach that will help facilitate the process of shared decision-making with your patients. Follow this link if you want to learn more about this.

Further information on consent is provided in pages 27 and 28 of the Framework

Section 9: Safe OMT practice[edit | edit source]

Teaching OMT for the Cervical Region

You will find more information on this section on the related page: Section 9: Safe OMT practice, including emergency management of an adverse situation

Section 10: Teaching OMT for the cervical region[edit | edit source]

You will find more information on this section on the related page: Section 10: Teaching OMT for the Cervical Region

Additional Outcome Measurement[edit | edit source]

In 2017, the Orthopaedic Section of the American Physical Therapy Association published a revised Clinical Practice Guidelines related to neck pain. They include updated recommendations for outcome measurement tools that clinicians can use for evaluation, prognosis and diagnosis of neck pain. [29]These recommendations include the following:

NDI, The Bournemouth Questionnaire, and the Neck Pain and Disability Questionnaire [31] include items across the ICF components.[29]

References[edit | edit source]

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